The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

narcissism (Remove filter)

I thank you for not being good enough

You pulled me into your orbit

when I needed your help

and so, I made you my centre 

to centre myself


That was my first mistake


I looked inside you

for places where I could hide

I hoped to run from reality

into the delusions of your mind

I was happy to believe you were one of a kind

chuffed upon chuffed that you were mine

and I felt adored

grateful to m...

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healingnarcissistnarcissismrelationship breakupReflectiongrowthidentityneedsHeartbreakmoving onself esteemself worthself workbreaking freeselfhoodindependence


I became
angry, upset hostile.


You had no

idea why I

was like this.


Could it be?

Because of your
controlling and
manipulative personality?


Of course not,
nothing is ever your fault.

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Narcissus V Phoenix

Narcissus creatures surround me.
Vultures, pecking at my serenity.
Testing my resolve.
Threatening to consume me.
Daring me to break free,
from a doomed mentality. 

Do I close my eyes to injustice
permeating our atmosphere,
like The Great Smog?


I spread my Phoenix wings.
Rise above the toxic darkness.
Bring forth healing light.
Spread peace, kindness, love.

Never give up ...

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apathydepressiongrowthhealinglightlovemindsetnarcissismpeacephoenixspiritualitytoxic relationshipsvultureszen

Unmasking the Ego

On the outside...

    Do not question anything I say or do.
        Above all do not argue.

    Keep all opinions, suggestions, ideas to yourself. 
        They mean nothing to me.
            I know everything. 

    The more you retreat 
        and remain silent,
            the stronger I feel. 

    Acknowledge me.
        Respect me.
            Worship me. 

On the inside...

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egolovenarcissismrelationshipsself esteem


The dawn is breaking,
no sense you're making
leaving me, although
better off I will be.
No one will ever 
satisfy you, until
your heart bleeds through
the tough exterior 
that makes everyone inferior
to the image you see 
in the mirror. 

# # #

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Interpretive Dance

go away.

I only want young, thin, pretty girls 
to look my way.

I don't care if they have anything 
intelligent to say.

I just want them to ooh and awe 
at my game. 

Of course I have no shame,
my past is to blame.

Yes, this dance could drive  
the thinker insane.

So, leave with your dignity,
while I toss back another one, 
and twirl my ring. 

# # #


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dancedignityshamerespectdiscriminationlifelovemisogynynarcissismrelationshipsthe past


You calculated the acts
but miscalculated facts
with your flawed calculator,
set on manipulator.

Who will you deceive next?
Prepare to be her ex-
lover turned abuser-
pray for your accuser.

She knows your lustful ways
lurk in dark walls to play
games of the fetish kind
with other perverse minds.

Beauty slipped on your icy
hills of lies with spicy
sleds that you call a tongue,

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Overcoming BetrayalSemi-Personalbreak upsseparationdomestic abusenarcissism

Pieces of Me

My light shined upon

the dark hues of you-

the vastness hidden

in narcissism.


I coated the pain

with discarded paint,

bleeding through linens

of truth's art canvas.


Fragile yet edgy curves

dance into shapes that

identify me,

granting sanity.

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losing selfself-identitynarcissismdomestic abuseself-lovesanitypoetrypoetikaly anointed


That strange twinkle in your eyes--


the inescapable gravity

upon which your gaze is fixed

has drawn your light beyond you,


and now the blinking glimmer

that shines within your widening black pupil

is only the reflection of another star that's falling.

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narcissismdistorted self-image

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