The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

celebration (Remove filter)


Here is to another year of life,

Should I be buoyant and forget these years of strife?


See my demons are growing more mature,

As I silently suffer no closer to a cure. 


24 years of carrying this unbearable pain inside,

Yet today I'll show the world I'm happy and hide these tears I’ve cried. 


En fin, feliz cumpleaños para mí

I hope these messages from back home b...

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Pruned, miniature, shrub, bush or tree

climbing, rambling, wild, growing free

A natural beauty, with a heavenly bouquet

a gift of celebration for that special day

A silent token, that can represent so much

petals like velvet, soft and gentle to touch

Each colour signifies its own special meaning

a show of emotion and how we are feeling


Romantic red, a passionate l...

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Solar return

instances of mesmerizing glimpses vivify and lend clarity into an understanding of soul.

evocation leaves an everlasting mark as two twin flames embark from a space of divine love to create fate

meticulous minds pick a place and time, upon your arrival show a sign that's vital, gravity pulls us in for a kiss as our hearts meet.

my greatest wishes grant admission, a star is born and with t...

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astrologybirthdaycelebrationexpansivefemininityfeminismlightlovepeacepoempoemspoetrysolar returnsoulspiritspiritualitysun signwisheszodiac

Jingle Jangle

Jingle Jangle


Jingle jangle go the coins in my pocket

As they fall through the hole

Worn by austerity

Jangle jingle go the gems on the necklace

As they hang from the necks

Worn by the royals

Jingo jungle go the voices of the right

As they spew out their racist

War mongering rhetoric


Jingle jangle goes the freshly minted coin

With a royal on the front


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brexit daycelebrationjingoismmeaningless celebrationwaste of money


It was warm but not hot

With a bit of a breeze

He slipped on his loafers

And stepped out with ease


She chose the red flats

And a light airy dress

Not overdone

But sure to impress


They agreed upon eight

At the local estab

He rode the bus

She took a cab


A quick drink and a smoke

Then they headed down

To the carnival

That had just come to to...

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first datescarnivalfalling in lovecelebrationMay Day

Open Mike Night

One night a week I go out for a beer

To visit with friends and seek out good cheer

Its open mike, tho I do not play

I do sing along and cheer away.

There's always the regulars, there's Jeff and there's John

And sometimes Bobby will be around

Newbies are cool and always a treat

But the show that can't ever be beat...

Malcolm! They always save him til the end

With his keyb...

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Comradeshipfriendsfunopen mikebeercelebration

A Time When I Wasn't

A wistful vagueness presides over my aura

The night was clearer than ever

Now wasn’t the time,

Now I was headed to a service sublime

But do I regret these impressions viewed from my window?



This ‘ere song from a vintage past

It crooned of simpler days,

It blasted my hopes into the freezing air

Carried me back to a time that wasn’t there

And I couldn’t help ...

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I stare out at the gathering mist

as on the radio tubular bells are peeling,

an insistent beat of persistent encouragement.

children's voices stripped of guile

Christmas will soon be here .


      A red carpet unfolds

      while the lurching crowds obey

      a ritual newer than recorded time.

Pin spots reveal the message

in the caves of temptation.


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There was a man I knew,

not too close, not too far,

as a child he was there

to tend to my scars.


A man with a past,

of that I had no doubt,

a man, when provoked,

who knew how to shout.


A happy man

with a smile for all,

he'd always be there to

pick me up when I'd fall.


And though never far away,

we were never very close,

a sign of those times


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cancerdadfatherdeathlossloveregretslooking backcelebrationfamilysonpride

24 days before Christmas

24 days before Christmas Day.
24 days of cold chilly nights.
24 days of laughter, joy, and spirit in the air.
24 days where people are a little bit nicer.
24 days of giving to those in need of help
and to those we love and care.
24 days of playing in the glistening snow.
24 days of Christmas songs sung.
24 days of preparing for celebration.
24 days of counting down
'till Christmas Day.


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christmascelebrationfriends and familysinging songs


Before we moved home my wife and I hosted a New Year Party with usually over twenty attending.   We introduced the old fashioned entertainment of singing, poetry, story telling.   I wrote the following after the last one.



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You can't Streep poverty under the carpet... - NaPoWriMo Day 9

A silence fell upon the city,

contorted shadows twisting moonlight.

Stuttering in a speakeasy seemed so misplaced

bottles rattled flickering like Fedora feathers

in an unforgiving wind.


The wretched odour of deprivation

a stench that sticks and degrades ones existence.

Even by day this city remains a lifeless sap

and by night the vampires feast on th...

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PoliticsHumanityMobstersBankstersWarNaPoWriMoGlobalThatcherMaggie ThatcherMargaret ThatcherFilmFilm NoirNoirProhibitionAmericaBritain1930s1980s2013universalpovertypoliticiansexploitationinequalityhatedivisioncelebrationclassClass Warvictorybattlestrugglecooperationcohesion

VE Day Party


VE Day Party

When we heard the news everyone rejoiced
on the works radio it came via Winstons voice
'Advance Britannia' said he.

The bonfire on the bomb site that night
boasted a dummy made to look at first sight,
just like old Hitler, hee hee.  

We saw it being placed there when we walked to the park
earlier that joyous day, long be...

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Our Land

Look at this land, which is our land

Look at yellow sand

And at my hand;

Isn’t it grand?


Inhale this land, which is our land

It smells of lavender and spice

Of sweat,

And grass,

And mothers’ milk.


Listen to this land, which is our land:

Tune into the sounds that are around,

Of running water,

And laughter,

And the wind rustling thro...

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