The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Psychosis (Remove filter)

Be Reasonable

Reason suggests that I should function.

This world doesn’t sleep and nor do I.

Reason brings me false assumptions:

my reason sees reasons to lie.

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It’s all a clue.

I’m the singular factor:

a catalyst,

a cosmic,

reactive component.

God and I have an understanding about truth.

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coincidenceDelusionsGodgrandiosityHallucinationsMental HealthPsychosisSchizophreniauncanniness


Am I a burden or a blessing?

Until now I've brought you pain,

nitpicked neurotic neural pathways

produced images of you burdening people

nuked your brain by old beliefs.


The pitter patter of your baby

put like a seal pup on your chest

but I was there for stop her suckling,

I didn't want her to breathe

No-one except me knew you bitch.


After all we've been thr...

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mental illnessmental health issuesmothers. childrenpsychicPsychosis

His New Partner

he went home for the weekend

on a trial run before his release

wife, welcome with open arms

love and tenderness and peace


soon she changed acted strange

face turned to bones and wrath

body sank into itself, a shadow,

clothes turned to stinking cloth


she taunted him and sniggered

old issues raised painful heads

conflict in his mind, confusion,

they ended i...

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depressionpsychosissuicide pactelectric shocks

Psychotic Girl

lying in the bath, curled in a daze

staring at my hand, ring finger twitching

eyes losing focus, antipsychotics sedating

right foot twitching, clinically agitated

stomach protruding, appetite increased

screams of bubbles bursting, whispers intruding

scent of my body, artificial strawberry

ignore the shouts, but they hurt me

mountains of bubbles, naïve body purifying


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mental health issuespoetry and mental healthPsychosis

Seeing Things

What is the scale of reality?

We all have our own truths

Our own views

How do you quantify actuality?


“A fantasy is a vision

It is solely in your vision

It is envisioned by you

A vision is a fantasy”


But saints had visions!

Politicians have visions!

Some people have double vision

Anyone that has sight has vision

Whether they have a sixth sense

Or no...

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conversationhallucinationinsanitymental healthpostmodernpsychosisquestionsrealitysanitytruthvision

The Rollercoaster which we name Bipolar

Up swings
Low swings
Irritable swings
Whenever the bell rings.
Time to change so soon?
Oh thankyou for the gloom
Its not like I needed mental room
I'll just listen to your tune.
Is it time for bed,
Or are you not done yet?
This endless strain of thoughts
Feeling like I'm making a case In front of the courts
Barely awake, but barely conscious?
You'll wish you'd had your bedroom blessed

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anxietybipolarbipolar and psychosisbipolar disorderdelusionsdepressionhallucinationsinterchangeablelow swingmaniamental healthmental health awarenessmindoppositespoems aboit mental healthpsychosisragerollercoasteruncontrolableup swing

The demons that only I knew

Would you believe me

If I told you the truth

Would you stay with me,

Or would you just leave?

Would you still feel 

The way that you do

If you saw me kneel

Before the demons so cruel?

I tried to escape

But it fell right through

It was never fate

What should I do?

I didn't mean to fail 

I did choose you

But the monsters fight

Harder than I'm able to


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Demonsmental healthmental illnessdepressionpsychosisanziwtybipolarptsdtiredmonsterscreatures

What can you see?

What is a disability?

Is it there for all to see? 

Do they look a little special,

Or just a bit like me. 

Maybe there is a wheel chair,

Crutches or a splint.

What about the eye patch?

Is there just a little hint?


What about that limp he has?

Or the crooked looking stance?

Some just look so ordinary.

They can even dance.

Some they think imagine it,


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bipolarmental healthPsychosis

Knock knock...

Knock knock...
It's the door.
Don't come to the house,
Invasion not wanted!
Heart pounding, 
Shaking chest.
Discussion not needed.
Privacy counts. 
Sweating palms,
beaten brow.

Knock knock...
It's the door. 
Keep away 
allow freedom.
Blind with panic
Screams deathly quiet.
No need for checking on.
Perfectly capable self.

Knock knock...
It's the door.
Tension of a coiled spr...

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Mental healthpsychosisvisitorsbipolar

Preacher - Are you there?

The preacher man was there.
Advising, guiding providing prayer.
He keeps himself hidden away
Wise words from him today.
The better place he beckons me to 
transcendent mythical city for few.
His heaven is closer dragged in. 
Going along he can never win. 

He isn't there 
He is no where
He is strong
He is right

I am weak
I am lost
I am gone
I am here

The preacher man was there...

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Mental healthvoicesPsychosis

The Waiting Room

Sat here waiting
Stupid posters on the wall
Like knowing 1/4 matters
Mental health for all. 

The chairs are stained and dirty,
Water fountain broke,
Magazines outdated.
Even leaflets on a stroke. 

The receptionist she mumbles,
Or is it the glass screen,
Protects her from the patients, 
Ring bells - they are unclean.

Mental or a leper,
It really doesn't matter.
You're all in thi...

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bipolardepressionmental healthpsychosis

Mental Health Victims

In Pyjamas creased like discarded paper

Shuffling aimlessly in worn down slippers on flaccid feet

Come the fresh patients commited to the psychiatry machine

Eyes stare intently into space in obscure realms of fantasy


With word salad jabber so wayward and bewildered

For morning medication they agitatedly wait

Chlorpromazine drugged psychotics limbs tremoring like je...

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Bi-polar.mental illnessPsychiatric HospitalsPsychosis

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