The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Waiting Room

Sat here waiting
Stupid posters on the wall
Like knowing 1/4 matters
Mental health for all. 

The chairs are stained and dirty,
Water fountain broke,
Magazines outdated.
Even leaflets on a stroke. 

The receptionist she mumbles,
Or is it the glass screen,
Protects her from the patients, 
Ring bells - they are unclean.

Mental or a leper,
It really doesn't matter.
You're all in this together, 
They even let us out. 

The medicines are poison,
Therapy such a joke.
It really doesn't help them,
Their minds are really broke.

They say you might recover, 
Talk it through again.
Rake up best forgotten,
Relive a little pain. 


bipolardepressionmental healthpsychosis

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Paul Waring

Tue 28th Feb 2017 22:51

Well written and well said Louise. I used to work in the NHS and the reality of how it functions (or not) can be scary, amd you've depicted that.


<Deleted User> (13762)

Tue 28th Feb 2017 18:39

you portray an emptiness both of spirit and provision of care that is so very depressing and lacking in our 'modern' society - almost like reading a passage from Cancer Ward by Solzhenitsyn. So much money is poured into researching cures for the big name diseases that we neglect to fund properly the day to day infrastructure that so many lost souls depend upon.

thanks for posting Louise.

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