The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Thoughts' Pool


Lost into the pool of thoughts,

Thoughts of him with me...

Me, standing here for him,

Him, trying to make sense out of life...

Life, playing a pity game with us,

Us, still in love, deep love,

Love, may face lack of time,

Time will fly in a jiffy,

Jiffy, a moment of him & mine,

Mine, he will be...

Be forever!

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Love lost love foundlovebondfirst love

I am Strong!?

I thought so...

So did he...

He tried to...

To make me strong...

Strong to see him...

Him becoming someone else's...

Someone else's life partner...

Partner who is mine forever...

Forever became a myth...

Myth that I am Strong!?

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love for himloverstrue love

Mother in my Share!

I wish, I could take birth again
to hug my mom, want to become a child again.

She never speaks ill
only she doesn't get angry on me

She's alive and so nothing can bother me
whenever I step out, blessings accompany me

She'll hug tight if something happens
she always shelters her children

But someone got house, someone got shop
I was the youngest one in the house, I got MOM!

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mother poemsMomlove towards motherMothersMothers Lovemother

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