The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered

In A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered, the poem condemns Donald Trump’s arbitrary pardons of over 1,500 criminals (the so-called J6), highlighting the dangerous erosion of justice under his unchecked power. This is a call to confront the corruption that distorts the law and undermines accountability, as power bends the rules to serve its own interests. A sing...

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Trumpjusticecorruptionpowertyrannylawaccountabilitypardonsarbitrary rulepoliticsprotestinequalitylawlessnessfreedom

an-Nakbah 1948-2023

Just to make myself perfectly clear from:

"To be a Jew means always being with the oppressed, never with the oppressors.”

Marek Edelman – last surviving leader, Warsaw ghetto uprising.


By way of contrast, this from Ntanyahu: “Israel is not a state of all its citizens… [but rather] the nation-state of the Jewish people and only them”. Israel...

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lawapartheidcrime against humanityhuman rights

Lawyers - Victims or Villains

Why do lawyers often get such bad press?
It is because to every case they will always say yes.
For their clients they'll choose to take up the fight.
Regardless of whether they think that it's wrong or it's right.

Will they may make their speeches be harsh or to be funny?
Will they work off their bones if they just get the money?
They can prosecute or they can defend.
But will the truth m...

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Stuart VannerLawyersLaw

The Call pt one

Hey hello how do you work this damn thing

I never had a problem till you walked in 

What a shame i was a better man 

Then i let curiosity take its chance but its amazing do you agree 

Is the line busy 

Dont matter you grabbed me by the throat with a rope now im waiting on you to hang up on me 

Im the same one they left hanging when it was cold out chilling on the backstreet


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Lawpolice killinghealing


All the pretence of innocence
The rules that one invents
Laws that must be seen to be
Beyond the reach of devilry

Those in power can circumvent
As they like, with full intent
Legal eagles can but try
To keep your vision from the lie

All in all I wonder when
We truly will have freedom again
Twisted knots of red tape can
Imprison every once free man

Number six once held the key

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crimeinjusticelawprisonerred tape

North Cyprus Advocates

Why silent you advocates
Anxiety must burden.
In your happy hours
Spending your monies.
‘Tis not us
You cry.
Water does not ripple
Without a breeze.

The wind carries the message
Groaning it’s truth.
Besmirching your reputation
Exposing your callousness.
Heralding your practice
Of assisting rogues.
To rob and steal
Property fairly purchased.

A gale soon comes
Wind of negligen...

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north cypruslawadvocates

My Mother In Law, My Mon














I called you

Mom from day one.

You called me

Shirley, sometimes

you called me Hon.


But I had

to let you go,

I had to say

"Good Bye."

But in my heart

I said,

"Mom please

don't die."


That was more than

ten years now.

Sometimes I

still cry. That ...

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