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Death on the highway!

Death is so jarring, though we are cognizant of it’s looming presence, when faced with it, we cocoon our very beings in a state of stillness…

As a creature of habit, I embarked on a morning walk, silently welcoming the beginning of spring. The wind caressed my face ever so softly with the sun making an inconsistent appearance.

Ruminating over things past and present! 

I walked gallantly, ...

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Our Lily

Our lily of the valley

Has shed her petals free

To drift upon the winds of time

In her own sweet Galilee 


The Mother of our nation

So long its beating heart 

Offers her earthly shell to rest

For her soul must now depart


So free it roams, through gilded vale

And bonny lochs & moors

Past stag & hare, & fragrant fayre 

To dusk's misty allures 


Where ...

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Missa Pro Defunctis


The footsteps of injustice enter, the casting for murderers all audition in blue, as they all prepare creative ways to kill blacks on cue. 


Act 13 scene 20 


A storm encroaches Louisville without warning, 

The young woman and her partner rest, with no idea death is calling. 


*puppets of white supremacy suddenly swarm in*


Forcible entering their home,...

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Breonna TaylorOne Year AnniversaryRIP


He was your sworn protector on earth,


Who took an oath to look after you since birth. 


Now your spirit guardian residing in heaven, 


The angel guiding you daily and sending ample blessings.

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The Master - for Carlos Ezquerra, 1947-2018

His hand and eyes he lent to us

For almost five and forty years,

He gave us childhood, hope and truth

And visions of our darkest fears


Exotic heroes, distant times

And swirling planets far away -

He coloured thoughts and drew our dreams

And showed to us another day


He honed his subtle craft like steel

Eschewing easy, common things

And shaped through art our ...

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carlos ezquerradeadjohn keaneJudge DreddripStrontium Dog

Dark Tower

Dark Tower


Like something from a gothic horror

This is not the way it’s meant to be

Pain and hurt crumbling from unsafe structures

And falling on the governments neglect

Because they’re poor

Because they’re vulnerable

Because they’re ‘not like us’


Souls lost to the flames

That crawled over short cuts

Or worse – over incompetence

Licked around the money ma...

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Grenfell TowerneglecttragedyfailingsRIP

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