The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

Love Lost (Remove filter)


The bunker allows one person

If you know Im hiding there

Why are you trying to worsen

The barricade all around like a bear


Hungry for my tears ready to rip me apart

You will never find an unlocked door

I won’t let you intrude my poor heart

I fear it's too late; your eyes into mine bore


But then you growl like the bear you are

I hurry to push you out of my sacre...

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sad loveLove lost

Should I Choose Myself, or Continue to Choose You?

How does one move on from betrayal and grief?

Resources swear "follow these steps to find relief".

Accept the hurt, embrace the pain,

Choose to trust your partner and learn to love again.


I'm convinced this advice comes from people who just don't know,

That being betrayed by the person you least expected to hurt you, hinders your ability to grow.

I accepted the hurt, I embra...

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Fragile Flawed and Easily BrokenTo victims of infidelityOvercoming BetrayalgriefmarriageLove losttroubled heartdesperate romanticit can still feel this hopeless if you tryhopeless romantic





How could you forsake

The affection I

Gave to you?

How could you forsake

The affection you'd

Given back?

How could you forget

The affection we'd 

Mutually felt?

Aren't artists

And writers

Good enough

For you anymore?

Are the strange ones

Scaring you

That much?

Why did you detest

Black people

So sudde...

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relationship break-uplove lostclass differencesreal estate gentrification

My Love Is For Me, Not For You

Roses are red, violets are blue,

When I think of your love for me, I lose love for you.

What does my love feel like to me?

Being surrounded by beauty that only I can see.


Hidden behind my smile is someone fragile, flawed, and easily broken.

I showed you all of my healed scars and one by one you ripped them back open.

Again and again, my mind retreats to happier days while I ...

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love lostlovelessmarriagevulnerabilityraw poetrydepressionstrengthperseverancefragileflawedeasily brokendarkloneliness

Piece That Is Missing

The piece that is missing

is the piece of my heart

that I threw like a stone

when our love fell apart.


Without looking I threw it

as far as I could.

Now I’m stuck with the fact…

that I’ve lost it for good.

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lovelove hurtslove lostheartache

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