The bunker allows one person
If you know Im hiding there
Why are you trying to worsen
The barricade all around like a bear
Hungry for my tears ready to rip me apart
You will never find an unlocked door
I won’t let you intrude my poor heart
I fear it's too late; your eyes into mine bore
But then you growl like the bear you are
I hurry to push you out of my sacred room
Isn’t it late for that? Yet another painful scar
Don't poke it. Are we headed to our doom?
I love you and you do don’t you
Don't my tears hurt since you're the cause
For the broken pieces there isnt enough glue
You hungry bear, keep away your paws
The bunker will never allow you in
You're only an intruder that will leave a mess
Dont even to knock begin
Stay away and it will hurt less
Marla Joy
Sat 23rd Nov 2024 19:53
Mili, Would love to hear more from you.b Marla