The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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john short on WOODEN ZOO
1 hour ago

Tom Doolan on Hiding In Plain Sight
2 hours ago

David RL Moore on Gift
5 hours ago

5 hours ago

Hélène on Nostalgia
5 hours ago

Hélène on Tuning Into Love
6 hours ago

Mike Bartram on The Singing Star!
6 hours ago

Stephen Gospage on Pre-Lent Event
6 hours ago

Ray Miller on Pre-Lent Event
9 hours ago

Ray Miller on Egypt
9 hours ago



[D]eep thinkers ..never on-timers

[H]ilarious off the scale..mental one-liners

[D]etermined.. fun..blessed..if you find us 

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ADHDsensory overload


I put a post of myself on again

And then think of all the critics

Those so called friends frowning in consternation at my narcissistic tendencies 

As if am putting a mirror up to their own insecurities 

That need to nuke the system sings in my synapses

Normality makes me mad

Friendship can’t be had

I am miles away from my mission but closer than most

God is not the Father, ...

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Social mediahonestyadhddepressionmental illness


Rest time at bed time is not always the best time 

When I can't sleep.. they say to count sheep 


But my sheep don't help me  they keep me awake 

My eyes scared to close incase my soul they take 

I know it's an exercise to rest one's mind

My sheep in my head are not very kind 


I try to count them jump as they say 

Some of them run in the opposite way 


Some are...

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insomnianight terrorsnightmareADHDdream poetry

Wake up teachers we are not all the same

50 minit lessons secondary school college
50 minutes to pass on your knowledge
Lesson plan organised for class ..a plan is wishful thinking
Some brains expanding ..others shrinking
When your plan doesnt go to plan
Some understand more than others can
I take it that was not in your plan
One boy has only written out the date
Forgotten equipment and turned up late
You assume his rebellion an...

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My Muse Is Dead

Beige walls stand empty where original artworks once hung
A woman, beyond her years in mind and body, sits at her desk
Staring at a screen that, despite vast knowledge at her fingertips
Is empty
The cloud of cognizance that enveloped her has cleared
Ridiculed by those she trusted
"Over medicated"
No more pills
No more gange
Nothing to help control the demons within her mind
There is no f...

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adhdartistsbipolarBipolar depression sadnessbulliesdepressiongiving up on passionsgiving up on peoplemedicationmental illnessocdprocessing emotionsptsdshame

Pick Up (A Selfish Poem)

Your Skype signed in again
It’s so tempting to call you
There’s a voice screaming at me to just
Pick up the phone
Just pick up the phone
Against every urge
I’m silent, all except these prose
I must stay silent
Must wait
Wait for what?
For the message, the text, the phone call
Another voice tells me
That will never happen
Selfishly, I want you to miss me
I want to make you miss me

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dzloveheartbreaklong distancemissi miss youi miss you alreadydepressionanxietyadhdselfishi am allowed to have selfish feelingsbut i refuse to act selfish anymorethis is my outletSometimes I wake up still thinking of youthinking of you

I Can Be Good (Z)

With each and every prose I think of new things to outpour onto this page. Ideas and feelings flow through me, conflicting, and most of the time I am ok.

I've been sober since then; nothing helps this anymore. Every day starts out slow, in a haze, then I feel ok and content and myself for a few hours. Once noon rolls around, my heart hurts, my stomach turns, my head spins, and I leave class to ...

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zachlovedepressionbipolaradhdpsychologypsychlong distancelong distance lovepolyamorypolyamorous

Cast Aside

Cast Aside

A woman cries for now she knows

Her love is unconditional

Weeping at the empty kitchen table

One, two, three in the morning

None are awake but her

Right hand reaches out to air

She wails

“There was no choice to make!”

Yet she always knew, in some way

Either too much to handle

Or not enough

But always cast aside


Anger will not manifest

Her l...

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cast asideheartbreakheartbrokenlovecrylate nightdepressionbipolaradhdpolyamorouspolyamorychoiceschanceheartarbitrary


I woke up this morning a bit confused

ready to go to the kitchen and swallow my pills

They help my mind get straight

if I don't take them by eight

it's too late


I look at the clock OH NO I over slept


My thoughts start to gather and circle my room

I try to grab one but it escapes me

Words start to play bumper cars in my head

soon it feels like lead

my mar...

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