verse (Remove filter)
Emotions Unveiled
In the fair of emotions, I lose my way
Among fruits and laughter, a mystery at play
Your eyes, like ripe avocados, invite me to peel
To take a chance, to discover what’s real
I want to know what love is
If it’s samba on sidewalks or a sorrowful fizz
Is it dancing in rain or a dream that won’t last?
A wish for the future, a tie to the past?
The clock ticks away, but my heart skips a bea...
Sunday 13th October 2024 9:00 pm
To Breathe (Is To Burn)
There is so much more to this.
The music does not make song
but the foetal space
amongst famous walls
filled with such au fait grief
and there a beast floats
to see the fear fleeting
on their new found face
in some unfailing destiny,
there she silently screams,
a flame away
God so violently benign
in his passive spirit-
He forges her-
to breath truly ...
Saturday 31st October 2020 1:44 pm
Shakespeare's Orphans
We all have thoughts
They're in our heads
During the day or when
We take to our beds
But where do thoughts go
When we're brown bread?
Do they expire when we do
Or emigrate instead?
Do orphaned thoughts stray
Seeking a new home?
Is the air alive with ideas?
Does a corps of notions roam?
And is that where poetry begins?
Idling like taxis, do rhym...
Sunday 12th July 2020 11:56 am
How to learn to write poetry?
The soul does not give rest! Feelings demand an exit! For creative people, these are happy moments. These poets to express their inner state easily select the right words and rhymes. Lines flow on paper. For people who are not sophisticated in versification, this is more difficult. Wrong words come to mind, feelings are soon lost, and the result of labor sometimes seems ridiculous.
The magic fo...
Monday 17th February 2020 3:14 pm
You are not a writer... yet.
You’re not a writer yet,
until your work is more than just some poems.
You’re not a writer yet,
so don’t forget you must keeping going.
You’re not a writer yet
because you ‘might’ by the writing bug have been bitten.
You’re not a writer yet,
if getting it right, means more than getting it written.
Tuesday 4th September 2018 10:39 am
what spills onto the page
falls from my mind:
it tells of what is there
it tastes of my thoughts
so they are spread here with care
as verse
the page becomes
my mind bared
Friday 11th May 2018 3:47 pm
I might make you laugh, but I might also make you cry,
I might give you answers or make you question why.
I can look so serious or sound really quite absurd
I am divine unseen pen pictures designed to be heard.
I will make comparisons to shine a light inside your heart
I’ll begin our stories with with an epilogue or end them near their start.
My language can be quite colourful, yes I have be...
Friday 22nd September 2017 7:37 am
Talking Asperger in Holland’s gutter
women for men
man-hiding in scab wombs
smell the dad perfume
childlessness disease
restless rights and south paws breaking Pentagon’s cyber world
devise numerical love
*(Copyright is mine. Please contact me if you want to use or perform any of my poems.)
Monday 28th August 2017 8:14 pm
Lately I’ve been wondering,
Wondering in the lowlands,
Lately I’ve been following,
Any star that shines,
Painfully I’ve swallowed,
Poisoned arrows that led me here,
They whispered dreams and virtue,
Didn’t know it would crumble to tears.
I can’t help it,
Every man has felt it,
I’m alone,
Though you try to help me.
Where every map leads backward,
Tuesday 11th April 2017 8:31 pm
Ottava Riva - NaPoWriMo Day 8
Another attempt at my paternal tongue.
Un altro tentativo di mia lingua paterna.
And though I beam with pride as I'm learning.
E anche se mi fascio con orgoglio, come sto imparando.
I'm aware that translated, the metre is wrong.
Sono consapevole del fatto che tradotto, lo strumento è sbagliato.
But this language pulsates to my yearning.
Ma questo linguaggio pu...
Monday 8th April 2013 11:31 pm
Gerry Potter interviewed by Dominic Berry about 'THE MEN POMES'
'The Men Pomes' by Gerry Potter
8pm, 29.2.12 - 3.3.12
Studio Salford, Kings' Arms, 11 Bloom Street, Salford £7 / 5
Tickets can be bought on the night at the door or bought online
Creator of Chloe Poems and writer of smash hit play 'Miracle', Ge...
Tuesday 24th January 2012 3:32 pm
Blip Blip
Is is safe to surface now?
is it safe to come out?
from under the radar??
Is it safe to surface now?
Is it safe to come out?
into the light??
is it safe?
To tell the truth........
Tuesday 8th November 2011 11:38 am
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