The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

perseverance (Remove filter)

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On Losing Weight

Weight loss is a thing of perseverance;
day after day – looking at food – trying my hardest not to overeat.
Weight loss is a thing of labour;
Some weeks I gain weight against my will…
trapped as though in a prison of excess fat.
Weight loss is a thing of determination;
some days my mind needs a break, but I push on, refusing to quit.
Weight loss is a thing of tenacity;
I simply hate exerci...

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against the oddsperseveranceweight lossweight loss journey

My Love Is For Me, Not For You

Roses are red, violets are blue,

When I think of your love for me, I lose love for you.

What does my love feel like to me?

Being surrounded by beauty that only I can see.


Hidden behind my smile is someone fragile, flawed, and easily broken.

I showed you all of my healed scars and one by one you ripped them back open.

Again and again, my mind retreats to happier days while I ...

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love lostlovelessmarriagevulnerabilityraw poetrydepressionstrengthperseverancefragileflawedeasily brokendarkloneliness



To survive... to pay bills

Working every hour God sends to pay debts

Pay taxes pay national insurance

Pay this person that person 

Home insurance ..Life insurance..

Pet insurance insurance 

To stay on the road 

To travel to work 

Fuel to fill the tank 

To get to work 

Pay the lady pay the man 

Pay pay pay 

All in place so we don't pay attention...

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Perseverancepaybroken system

Stride On

Oh......     another day  .... thrown away
                another pain .... nothing gained

       Stride on - to the sunlight
       Stride on - through the shadows
       Stride on - even though it's night
       Stride on - to the 'morrow  
              (to the sunlight)

But Oh..    another day  .... thrown away
                 another pain .... nothing changed


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adversityhopemeditationperseveranceSEND parentsongsunlight

To There

To there,
And from there to there,
And there,
And finally to there.

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meditationshort poempath of lifevictoryperseverance

To Bloom


Life is like the smallest flower

Stretching for some sun

When all the bigger ones devour

All it could become

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Hold fast to dreams/ሕልሞችህን ወድር (በላንግሰቶን ሁጌስ/ትርጉም ዓለም ኃይሉ)

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

ሕልሞችህን ወድር

ሕልሞችህን ወድር
አሊያ ሕልሞች ከገቡ መቃብር፣
ሕይወትን ምን ለየው
ከእርገብ ለመብረር
ክንፏ እነዳለ ስብር!

ሕልሞቸህን ወድር
አሊያ ያም ይሔም ሕልም ከሔደ
ሕይወትን ምን ለየው ከምድረበዳ
በበረዶ ከተቖራመደ!

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Psychological dome

Forcing passers by

Curious for peep stand,

Swelling a throng

By every square

Or a roadside

Using his right leg

A nimble right hand

With the other holding

The artefact items hard

A hand-less man

Makes attractive tables

and stools

Hammering nails

And cutting woods

The way the task demand,

A task ,many normal people

Imagine,  to handle hard.

Those ...

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Ode to the dreamers

              Ode to the Dreamers

For us, are the highest mountains,

For us, are the deepest valleys,

For us, are the lush green pastures,

For us, is the evergreen spring,

For ours is a hunted breed

For ours is the troubled kind

For we live in the world, yet never with it

For we know of humanity, yet never of humans

For we live at the edge of oblivion

For we spread o...

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The Garden

The Garden


The violets speak softly to me,

They whisper to remember who came before,


The tiger-lilies interrogate me,

They say that spring pastures are no more,


The violet flowers inspire me to see my powers pure,

With the gifts that Venus pours my beauty will adorn,


The tiger-lilies scratch and chase me,

They say my will is cracked and torn,



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"Like peeling an onion" you said.
More; unseaming
Slipped stitches,
Knotted aims,
Frayed edges.

Peddling metal
Over punched pins,
Threading maydays into cloth.

Fingers fumbling at loose seams,
Unravelling weaves,
Desperate hems,
Moth eaten, scrapped themes.

Now, all I am is an empty spool,
Someone's discarded thimble.

Try the pattern again.

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A narrative poetic thought.






Aye, living & achieving freedom
requires an openness to vulnerability,
to taste fear & persevere.
There are those that would take away
our liberty & even our life.
Nothing is free, we pay dearly even just to breathe.
It takes guts and determination,
then finally we become awar...

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In the Wild

In the wild, the bonsai is an amazing sight and a moving lesson from nature. It depicts the wonder of a resilient soul.


A fond gaze
rests upon hope
A testament

of pliant supplication
stunted and weathered

each scar a witness
to fate's coarseness
its scourge did not prevail

A bent torso
flowing in the breeze
over sheer drops and crags

the dour migh...

Read more …


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