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Stride On

Oh......     another day  .... thrown away
                another pain .... nothing gained

       Stride on - to the sunlight
       Stride on - through the shadows
       Stride on - even though it's night
       Stride on - to the 'morrow  
              (to the sunlight)

But Oh..    another day  .... thrown away
                 another pain .... nothing changed


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adversityhopemeditationperseveranceSEND parentsongsunlight

Lessons From A Wandering Sun

Below these clouds I wonder when I'm going to see the sun again.
I heard a rumour it might not be there... anymore.
But come the rain, and come the wind...
Come storm, come thunder, come lightning...
Come every single shoddy thing the world can throw…
They'll find me no downtrodden sod,
No trembling leaf, no breaking clod,
For I, and the wandering sun, do not so quickly pass. 

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Trust In This Dark Night

Now that I am faced with this trial of the moment, let me pause.
Reflect on previous trials.  
The race forward is not about the hurdles already jumped,
It is about the confidence and skill at jumping acquired.

Now that I am faced with this impossibly high wall, let me think.
Remember previous walls.  
The difficulty of scaling any height or distance can be shrunk;
It is ever as simple as...

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As I Continue

I'm not weak

I can't accept defeat

Its like a foreign language to me

Stand up strong

Tall and face them all

Defy gravity

Never a victim of depravity

Your smirks

Your sneers

Pssh all I hear are cheers

Moving along

Like a song

A step at a time

Never out of line

Just ebbing with the flow


As I continue to grow.

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