The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Stride On

Oh......     another day  .... thrown away
                another pain .... nothing gained

       Stride on - to the sunlight
       Stride on - through the shadows
       Stride on - even though it's night
       Stride on - to the 'morrow  
              (to the sunlight)

But Oh..    another day  .... thrown away
                 another pain .... nothing changed

       Stride on - to the sunlight
       Stride on - through the shadows
       Stride on - even though it's night
       Stride on - to the 'morrow  
           Stride on, 
                        Stride on, 
                                Stride on 
               (to the sunlight)

But Oh..    another day  .... thrown away
                 another pain .... still the same

      Stride on, 
                 Stride on!

       Stride on - to the sunlight
       Stride on - through the shadows
       Stride on - even though it's night
       Stride on - to the 'morrow  
                 (to the sunlight)


adversityhopemeditationperseveranceSEND parentsongsunlight

◄ Just A Feeling

The Cause of So Many Tears ►


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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Mon 1st Feb 2021 18:09

Thank you everyone who has clicked 'Like' for this poem//song.

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Mon 1st Feb 2021 11:45

Ah J.D that is very kind of you to say. I can reassure you that this poem was written a couple of years before I arrived at WOL and is actually arisen from the struggles of dealing with an undiagnosed health condition which at the time was being 'professionally' treated as imaginary but very real and impacting the family immensely in distress and stress levels, even more so because of that backdrop. We did eventually reach the stage where the problem was medically acknowledged and non-damaging interventions became possible.

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J.D. Bardo

Mon 1st Feb 2021 11:16

Here is another poet (of many) deserving of some sort of award. at the very least, a thank-you for your frequent contributions. I love the thought to stride on, but I feel bad about the line, "another day thrown away" you are here for us. and thank-you for that, that is all I will say.

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