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Psychological dome

entry picture

Forcing passers by

Curious for peep stand,

Swelling a throng

By every square

Or a roadside

Using his right leg

A nimble right hand

With the other holding

The artefact items hard

A hand-less man

Makes attractive tables

and stools

Hammering nails

And cutting woods

The way the task demand,

A task ,many normal people

Imagine,  to handle hard.

Those who appreciate

His talent

Throws coins—

A tip for his pocket,

While some buy

The artefact items

He puts up for market.

Aside from eking out


He hits home

The psychological dome

“Disability is not inability!”

In a similar case,

An art mentor

And an apprentice

Draw many a

Wonderful picture

With his mouth

the latter

In a manner

Attention that capture

Hitting home “Some qualities

If deprived by mother nature

Other qualities man could nurture!”


Based on a true story,




◄ Fear wedded life

What a lesson? ►


<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 8th Nov 2017 08:46

thank you for posting this poem and link Alem. It just goes to show what can be achieved despite debilitating illness and disability. And with the right tools too. I run a workshop from my home which is part of a charity which sends refurbished hand tools and sewing machines to training projects in Africa. These projects often work with young people with disabilities or who are HIV+ or have been orphaned or widowed. The training and tools they are given help them to become self-reliant, lifting them out of poverty and usually as a consequence enabling their children to continue their education beyond primary school level. Our small group of volunteers have recently completed four large tool kits of carpentry, building and bicycle repair tools which were passed on to our head office yesterday all ready for shipment. Unfortunately the charity doesn't work in Ethiopia but you can read about their projects on the following link and the group I run here in Wales. All the best, Colin.

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