ashes (Remove filter)
of Sparrows, Soot & Sand
αἰὼν παῖς ἐστι παίζων, πεττεύων· παιδὸς ἡ βασιληίη
sparrows call a song
from the depths of their breasts
to the tune of aching morn
as reverberating wind chimes sing along.
vapour laced whispers
born in pomegranate chambers
Sunday 2nd July 2023 11:54 pm
Skin and Bones
Dust to dust
ashes to ashes will shall all return
with our regrets,
sins and wins erased from mother nature
our spirits effervesce into carbon
but fear not as energy cannot be destroyed only transferred
our lives once lived tangibly in a conrete jungle
has now been washed away with a faint petrichor lingering in the air!
Saturday 25th February 2023 1:20 am
Even Old Fools Get The Blues
we used to walk in the canyon
talk of a future that never came
gasping at the beauty round us
Selina was one hell of a dame
its a movie playing in my head
just pictures without the sound
a neck-lace of images inside a
cold tomb on hallowed ground
called to New York for a movie
turned your head with ambition
left me doubting your standing
fearing you inten...
Monday 31st May 2021 10:40 am
First Light
thorn rose in quicksand
a pale siren lost at sea
gurgling a hymn, that's
what she means to me
she's saying little of late
quieter now than of yore
time's calmed her down
once I called her a whore
came home at all hours
partied till she dropped
spent money like water
manic how she shopped
once a nymphomaniac
in bed she wore me out
I was not t...
Wednesday 12th May 2021 10:42 am
Black Cupboard
it makes me sweat even now
such sheer terror left its mark
there's nothing worse than a
child imprisoned in the dark
she'd blame me for being bad
I'd struggle but to little avail,
hoisted in the black cupboard
dusty, warm, beyond the pale
bent in two and scared of mice
heard her laughter downstairs
something tickling my shoulder
the silk touch of spider's...
Tuesday 16th March 2021 10:25 am
Mallard Days
a year now since she died
life never been the same
loving eyes that llit my life
till she fell and got lame
her back end had collapsed
lost control of her bladder
lay there still in the garden
never saw anything sadder
vet had to give her the jab
said she'd suffer no pain
ashes rest on my dresser
but I'll not see her again
all I have is her leathe...
Sunday 20th December 2020 10:45 am
I was at a loose end
Coiled up for action
Capable of anything
Any hot infraction
You fanned my flame
Got me into a fever
Never let me sit still
Pulling every lever
Combustion failed us
From sad mouldering
We barely rose above
A gentle smouldering
We tried to rekindle
Gave the fire a poke
Rubbed twigs together
Lit not coal but coke
Sunday 15th November 2020 11:08 am
In Chains Of Faded Flowers
You're gone but it was good
You had to put up with a lot
My moods and wanderings
A child dying alone in his cot
Carnations bring you back
Our shady garden bowers
You dangle from my heart
In chains of faded flowers
High up on Ilkley Moor
Laid in fields of heather
Laughing we made love
Never mind the weather
His birth was not easy
For you might h...
Saturday 17th October 2020 11:04 am
Ashes Are Better Than Nothing
All that's left is wreckage
Debris from what's over
The time when I loved
No more the idle rover
Ashes are better than nothing
Half a loaf better than crumbs
Yet memories burn painfully
What's forfeited still numbs
Years that went quickly
Days that ran into sand
Left poignant memories
Your soft yielding hand
That May day at the beach
Sand caugh...
Thursday 8th October 2020 10:58 am
Old Flames
Shakespeare's sonnets will live forever
Wordsworth's words shall persevere
Your missives weren't so fortunate
And it won't be me that sheds a tear
Your letters are but sad ashes now
They'll not be a permanent reminder
A black and white record of passion
When I swore you couldn't be kinder
Your writing was almost compulsive
You needed to get it all off your ches...
Monday 7th September 2020 10:35 am
No Tomorrow In Your Eyes
You need hope to see a future
Without that there's only despair
That's the lesson you taught me
When you told me you didn't care
There was no tomorrow in your eyes
Only dead ashes from yesterday
There was no tomorrow in your eyes
My future's upped and flown away
Our journey's come to to dead end
I'm backed up against a concrete wall
Even now I'm hoping again...
Wednesday 2nd September 2020 10:56 am
Atlantic Elegy
This poetical rumination reflects my own ambivalence, as an immigrant to Australia almost half a century ago, towards my Australian existence. Is one's life largely the result of mere serendipity or is it, at least partially, malleable in our own hands?
Atlantic Elegy
Shall I reject a life lead so far
from home? Or lament the existential negligence
of fifty years I did not ha...
Wednesday 11th October 2017 1:44 pm
M A T C H S T I C K (revised)
“And to his rock be bound eternal; forever gifting man all that is infernal.
Bound by chain, suffering as the eagle’s meal; freedom bought by the one who shall steal.
Unto the eagle’s beak his blood be lash; to control he who shall become our man of ash.”
There is always blood flowing down Prometheus’ mountaintop. He who had delivered to hum...
Monday 29th August 2016 8:35 pm
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