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First Light

thorn rose in quicksand

a pale siren lost at sea

gurgling a hymn, that's

what she means to me


she's saying little of late

quieter now than of yore

time's calmed her down

once I called her a whore


came home at all hours

partied till she dropped

spent money like water

manic how she shopped


once a nymphomaniac

in bed she wore me out

I was not the only one

she'd bed many a lout


yet with saving graces

love swam in her eyes

mistress in the kitchen

no cook beat her pies


when my sight failed

she was my minder

led me through town

no need to bind her


brought up our kids

took them to church

helpless I was, didn't

drop me in the lurch


fought like a tigress

we cried at her bed

still a mystery how

her life-force is dead


ashes on the mantel

blind now but nearer

strange as it seems

now I see her clearer




rosewhoregracessightblindashesfirst light

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jennifer Malden

Wed 12th May 2021 11:33

Really liked this one! This is genuine love from both sides. 'thorn rose in quicksand' so well describes the two sides of her. It is true also, in my experience anyway, that you often perceive a person you were close to more objectively and sensitively when they have gone.
Great writing.


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