The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

lonelyness (Remove filter)

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Loneliness is feeling isolated even when someone stands beside us,
A companion who shares our days but leaves our soul empty.
Surrounded by familiar faces, we doubt if they truly love, value, or respect us.
When our days feel like wasted moments, irretrievable and lost.
When dreams and goals fade into “I’ll never succeed,”
And we’re consumed by the fear of being the failure we see ourselves a...

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The Privileged walk

Scuffing leaves on the ground

With no other soul anywhere around

Hands in my pocket, keeping warm

My feelings swell to an indignant storm


Life at home isn't quite right

The yelling and shouting gives me a fright

"Best apart" says my instinct

But it's not like me to kick up a stink


Night times leave me cold, fearful and small

Ear to the glass, glass to the floor


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lonelynesslonelydomestic abusesadignored


Just lay your hand
in mine
when I´m shaking
because the frost
is running through my veins

Just lay your hand
in mine
when my eyes flicker
and all I can see
is darkness

Just lay your hand
in mine
you don’t have to do
you don’t have to say

Just lay your hand in mine
I just need to know
I´m not alone
out here
in the cold

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you know how it go(freeform)

pull out thre trigger u know how it go 

call up lil leek cuz he still got that 4

when I'm down bad I do not got nopbody

release all my problems when I drink this bottle 

still fucking hoes man I just fucked this model 

nobody know about all of my problems 

call up tequila u know she gon solve it 

I wanna stop drinking but I got nobody 

I try to reach out but they always dec...

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painlovehateparentsSelf-doubtaddictionalcoholalcoholicsubstance abusealonedepressionpoetry2019drug abuselonelynessangerregretsuicide


Kohl                                                                                                                                           By : Mirza Sharafat

night has enveloped, to give me some relief
now invisible are walls of separation, and thy grief

where blood quenches the thirst
disloyalty is faith last and first
is the religion my beloved belongs to

I beckoned, red and bla...

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lonelylonelynessmourningmelancholyrainingkashmirloveseparationpainsorceryladychildhood love


My thoughts on paper hour after hour

When I lie in bed or in the shower

I do it all so you can glower

I'm the insignificant Poet


I stand up here and on my own

Hearing every sigh and groan

Whilst you sit and play on your mobile phone

I'm the insignificant Poet


I write it daily, profound and deep

Words to make you laugh or weep

Inspired whilst you were fast as...

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lonelynessOpen MicperformancePoetry

'The art of being Lonely'

'The Art of Being Lonely'

Loneliness is Ugly...

Loneliness is a world full of people
Yet still being alone
Loneliness is a room full of people
But never could be further away

Loneliness is finding it hard to say
“I am lonely”
Loneliness is not to be shared
Loneliness is the sharing of it...
But to still be lonely

Loneliness is in an over populated world

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downchild abusepoetpoempoetryJohn Harrisonspoken wordlonelynesslonelyalonedepressionisolatedmental health

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