The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

climate (Remove filter)

Aren't Trees Alive?

All those pretty hues,
Of green amongst the blues,
Their long brown feet?
Blossoming the ground beneath. 
Oh! The tremendous trunk,
Its arms in every direction,
Lil foliage materializing,
Under the radiant sun,
Dancing joyfully and smiling,
With a light breeze on the run.

Beauty, magnificence, still untold,
Wonders of pigment, flowers are born,
Fruity freshness our heart devours,

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Winter, is here. Am I?

This is inspiration from the ice breeze, and cold realisation with my love. 


Has it always been this cold?

I don't remember shivering so often. Nor my back cramping in pain.

Something is changing. Something is different. 

As weather patterns come and go, so do you.


How can it be that the amount of love I need, doesn't need me.

Doesn't come to me. Blows over my skin, ...

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Climateloverelationshipsdramasex lessweatherintimate



She flew over meadows

Over rivers & brooks

And held conversations

With articulate rooks 


Who told her a tale

Of when mankind resided

And the balance of nature

Irreparably subsided 


How they ravaged her soul

And ripped out her heart

And watched their green world

Slowly depart 


How the creatures of woods

Of forests, and meadows

Had to fle...

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There’s a heat wave running wild

There’s a heatwave running wild


Theres a heat wave

Running wild

Oblivious of the borders 

Run by the corporate money hoarders


There’s a heatwave running wild

As the stealthy arms of 

a monetary system 

Poisoned with greed 

Consumes everything in its path


There’s a heatwave running wild

while the blind insatiable pockets of we want more

And insurmo...

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Climateenvironmentcorruptionforestsfossil fuels climate crisis


Tranquility in your presents

doves pecking as our kiss is tending

lips lock our mind in a spell, as the doves sing their song, letters spelling in the air.

clouds draw me close for a better look

fractals in the nooks, lump to lump, baby rainbows extend their hand and shake with glee

telling my lover she is the best mother to be


She see's the beauty in my beastial nature, cal...

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Nothing else matters

Every single day I get a torrent in my inbox:

online communities that crave my support

with a signature, a letter, a donation to unlock

a Saudi prison cell; save turtles; alert

a smug politician to the suffering of the needy;

grant safe asylum to desperate refugees;

liberate wealth from the clutches of the greedy;

or restrict global warming to one point five degrees.

I wann...

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climateclimate change

A lake's obituary

The mob, elites, journalists
As well as poets like I
To our environment-unfriendly bent
Turning a blind eye
Also tardy in asking  "Why
We strip of mother nature's green mantle,
While to maintain the statuesque
It gets locked in a sever battle?"
Equally not checking overgrazing,
We allowed fertile soil and sand
Amok,wild floods ride
To a close by touristic lake,
Whose mouth an expansion

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A Call To Peace

Let's unite in peace and make a plan:
a wily plan of mutual respect
to counteract the hatred in this man.
Let's do everything he won't expect!

We won't let goads and bigotry divide us
- let's evoke what World War II has taught us.
Don't let's patronise - let women guide us
when he slights our mothers, sisters, daughters.

And when he flays the vulnerable with derision 
let's answer bac...

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A Message to the New Government

The nation needs renewables now!
The nation needs renewables now!

As Once-great Britain takes a bow
and we leave the stage of the European Union,
the quintessential issue's the quandary how
we accommodate the suck of an economy consuming 
two thousand million megawatt hours 
of climate wrecking energy by the year
when there's finite reserves of fossil fuel power.
I spurn the allegation ...

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Access weekend

iPod plugged, young Victor’s 
muttered not a word since my divorce. 
Grace is up front. She carps, 
“Dad, why d’you drive this Chelsea Tractor?” 
Thinks she’s going to save the world of course 
since reading a bit of ecology for GCSE. 
I hang a left and bark, 
“You think I never cared? You’ll see!” 

My big Land Cruiser cruises 
country lanes through blizzards of thistle-down. 
The car-...

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I’ve left my clomping prints on every shore 
since Africa was Eden in my youth. 
The sand will bear my dent for evermore. 

I chewed-up gum-trees with my baby jaw 
and bit the dry red heart with my first tooth. 
I’ve left my clomping prints on every shore. 

Europe roused my growing thirst for war. 
Her spirit fired me up, one hundred proof. 
The sand will bear my dent for evermore. 


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Homo sapienshumanityEarthplanetclimateenvironmentvillanelle

How To Be A Denier

Claim yourself to be a fount of knowledge.
Claim that every scientist's a liar.
If you've done a course at any college 
you can be a certified denier.

Gather up those inconvenient facts
and twist them like they're bendy bits of wire.
Disseminating data needs great tact
but any fool can thrive as a denier.

Lobby for a mega corporation 
to push emission targets ever higher.
Easy work, ...

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climate changeclimateclimate change deniersdenial

Fourtunately it resussicates

As mother nature's
Punitive measure
Against a society
In maintaining
The statuesque
That doesn't bother,
Our rivers
Had become subject
To a water thirst,
To the extent
Of projecting
Rocky ribs
Terrifyingly protruded out
For easy count!

But now thanks to
The all-out,terrace
And reafforestation effort
Of each catchment
Farmers have made a point
And also  to the afforestation

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Hot Summer


Burnt by the day time,

As it’s terribly hot,

I cursed today’s clime

About winter I thought.


Nights come with cool stars

It looks I can dream:

If apple-trees blossom on Mars,

What can be moved by steam.


Shut-eye can’t meet with my thoughts,

Confuses them, not letting me sleep.

Is it the nature’s faults?

Why does it hot days keep?


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In the 18th century the people of Easter Island worked hard

creating the statues that their information showed

were absolutely necessary for their future.

In the 19th century Easter Islanders realised

that statues were a useless waste of effort

and put all their energy into the obvious need

to worship the birdman.

In he 20th century the stupidity of the Easter Islanders

was obvious...

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copenhagenclimatebeliefany old crap

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