Nature (Remove filter)
An uprooted tree lies ebbing in the street.
The one who pledged everyone with a refuge
is herself in exigent need.
People come, see the fallen one.
Not a soul seems to be concerned.
Zero, zilch, nada, none.
They don't remember
those cloistered, sizzling infernos of June
those solitary, shivering nights of witchy new moons
and those
sodden, sultry volleys of pouring monsoons
Friday 27th December 2019 10:04 pm
God Rays
Staring too long into the looking glass,
trying to predict the future and
make sense of the past.
Time goes by lightning fast.
Poetry sets the cast.
Call it dreaming...
cloud surfing,
cartwheels on high wires,
living, laughing, loving
singing, no regrets.
Drink every drop of life,
before God rays
absorb the wake
and your soul sails
into moonlight.
# #...
Saturday 21st December 2019 1:23 am
I last wrote about our five quite some time back,
a time when, for each of them, you and I (and mostly you)
still weighed in and sparred, day on day, in any cause,
on standby should they slip or fall – though close at hand is, perhaps,
the better way to say it, the gentle way to convey a sense of
our being technically unseen, absent, yet able to be found
by one or two, no more th...
Sunday 1st December 2019 1:26 pm
Good Days
God bless the good days.
Days a smile is no stranger to your face.
Days your favorite songs play, and you sing along.
Days faith is restored in humanity.
Days sunshine and fresh air makes life seem fair.
Days you feel the gentle touch of love.
Good days will see you through tough days,
down days,
diseased days,
bitter days that never seem to end,
days you have no friends,
days ...
Monday 18th November 2019 1:15 am
I See The Nature
I see the blue skies, where the sun lies.
I see old oak trees, leaves swaying in the breeze.
I see people talking to their friends,
whilst cars zoom off around the bends.
I see beautiful heathers,
which are as light as feathers.
How wonderful nature is,
when I leave, it is the nature I will miss.
Sunday 10th November 2019 1:22 pm
Felt Feel
Felt Feel
I feel the King of my world
Alone as on a glacier
With only Nature as my friend
The rest of them ignore me
For this is what they do
When one is different
And a King all powerful
It’s fine though I ignore them
Sunday 10th November 2019 11:51 am
Cleveland Cold
The Cleveland cold envelops me like cellophane,
Holding me as tight as a rigor mortis grip,
It clenches at my joints,
Constricting my movement not unlike a python,
Walking feels sluggish,
Lifting my arms is akin to moving through clay,
I revel in the uneasiness of it all,
Splattered across my face,
Despite all of the kinks the cold brings out,
A childlike wonder s...
Thursday 17th October 2019 6:58 pm
And one day,
the sun stopped,
the rain stopped falling,
the flowers didn't look high,
the sky emptied of stars,
then a tear dripped
from the heart and became our breath.
We need a sacred tear,
before the fall...
Tuesday 17th September 2019 8:18 pm
If I Take My Leave
If I take my leave of the green green wood
Home to Herne the Hunter and Robin Hood
Sunlight finding its way through the branches…magical
A living breathing ecosystem starting with the botanical
The symphony of nature provided by operatic birdsong
Natural balance perfecting, every creature does belong
If I take my leave of the green green wood
Would it cease to exist? I wo...
Tuesday 17th September 2019 7:14 am
Sometimes you can surprise yourself at what you can acheive when you ignore your so called limitations...
Bumblebee's body
Is way too heavy
It's wing span
Far too small
This little fella
Can't fly
But he doesn't
Know that
At all
He keeps flying...
Friday 13th September 2019 11:08 am
Which style of clothes we choose to wear
Are those designer labels on show there?
Or supermarket jeans with matching top
Did that bag come from an online shop?
Got to dress-up that look, make it “you”
Designer a must, branded training shoe
Myriad of gadgets await our pleasure
How exactly to enjoy our leisure?
Binned phone, new model pride of place
How is it better, ...
Tuesday 10th September 2019 6:49 am
prismatic beings
legs crossed i lay, deep in prayer
as i enter her domicile pyramid prism with a rainbow flash
headspace filled with subsequent intrinsic peace and peachy afterglow, washing out wrath
sifting through the banks of her mind, i produce schisms, and visually metaphysical visions
visualization techniques split at the ream leaving a colorful flurry
scurrying across triangular entropy into ...
Saturday 7th September 2019 6:55 am
Island of My Mind
I would look from my window yonder
Untamed nature
Waves crashing upon beach
Heart of winter
Gales pounding
Residing here
Pioneering buccaneer
Safe in my sanctuary
Seasons change
I would share this transient place
My island
Waves lap gently upon beach
Heart of summer
Warming breeze
Growing here
Deeply see and hear
Safe in my ...
Wednesday 4th September 2019 7:22 am
second wind
My vitality feels resuscitated with every breathe we share
two halves of a heart
you are the oxygen that pumps, vestibule, pair of consonance heartbeats
bounce off the walls.
we jump up and down hand in hand
your touch warms through and lights a fire inside and around
sound mind when your whisper incites a riot
the night is charged, god particles in the air.
our souls dance...
Friday 30th August 2019 4:12 am
I heard that Giraffes have been protected from being slaughtered for their body parts for the first time this week....So a celebratory poem
It's Wonderful to have
A long neck
It reaches up
To the sky
I can nibble leaves
On treetops
And smile at
As they
Fly by
It's just
Having this
Long neck
I can see
For Miles around
I always k...
Sunday 25th August 2019 11:14 am
You came in to this world
with enough light to find
your way out of the dark,
enough kindness to save a soul,
enough love to shift a planet.
Don't worry, you are enquipped
with all you could ever need.
Look with in,
you are drenched in magic.
Saturday 24th August 2019 9:27 pm
Brother Leaf
Nature's hands
On my hands
These leaves
Are leaving
An impression
On me
Feeling it's veins
About us
Is the
Friday 23rd August 2019 11:48 am
The prettiest pictures of beauty are formed by nature's own.
Look out for it is free and always alone.
We may see behind a sky that's blue and bold
Shines a glorious globe of greatest gold,
And the wind which swirls in a wavy path
Blows the tears of heaven to create a shallow nature's bath.
And by vast flying vapours various moulds are made,
Slowly travel throughout the light ...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 4:45 pm
Lost Meanings
Hearing that words from Natural history such as Acorn and Conker are now lost on the latest generation got me thinking...
When web was a silky spider's thread
When online was your school shirt
Fixed on with a peg
When a tablet was something
You took, when ill
Nothing more
But a type of pill
When mouse was
Something chased
By a cat
OK, I'm going
Too far bac...
Thursday 22nd August 2019 10:30 am
Seasonal Variations
The changing colour of the seasons
Can life get any better than this?
Reflecting through all the reasons
Of why we came to exist
The midlife comparisons of autumn
As we're reaping our rewards
Fear of the chill in winter
Will we survive old age
Or be ignored?
As we look back to
The growth of spring
When all was so fresh
And new
To the warmth and heat
That ...
Tuesday 20th August 2019 11:55 am
Two apes having a head-to-head:
"It's friggin' absurd!" one of them said,
"Eight million species inhabit this earth,
Balancing nature and proving their worth;
But look at those creatures that are called 'man':
Ruining our planet as fast as they can;
They've polluted our air and poisoned the seas;
Their revolting habits cause death by disease!
Some of them perish with nothin...
Friday 16th August 2019 6:35 pm
Tranquility in your presents
doves pecking as our kiss is tending
lips lock our mind in a spell, as the doves sing their song, letters spelling in the air.
clouds draw me close for a better look
fractals in the nooks, lump to lump, baby rainbows extend their hand and shake with glee
telling my lover she is the best mother to be
She see's the beauty in my beastial nature, cal...
Thursday 15th August 2019 2:35 am
What I learnt from a tree
It just stood there
Happy to simply be
Sometimes a little gentle sway
Of it's skinny bark
In the breeze
Teasing it's leaves a bit
And when it was bare
It was still just ...there
Standing proud
Putting up with it all
Reminding me
To do the same
Those determined little buds
Packed full of potential
Showing how essential
It is to live in hope
Of a new ...
Wednesday 14th August 2019 5:32 pm
soul mates
Let's let our thoughts tango and let our souls mate
my heart on my sleeve, on display
she is my armor, forever with fervor
worth the search for, pain couldn't hurt more
Her radiance blazes, visually a spectacle
her calming presence.
In essence, my mind linger.
Drift off to the cosmos. to a place where space and time coincide
I see her constellation and engage, warp drive
...Thursday 25th July 2019 2:02 am
Out the Door Medicine
Out the Door Medicine
First goldfinch of the season flushed
from unmown grass
along with other finches sparrows
and chipping chickadees
southwest they mixed
ones with steady quick beat
and the gold with her push and pause
push and pause
as though she were giving birth to flight
and the berries not black
still mixed in with blossom
green with brown...
Tuesday 23rd July 2019 5:18 am
Nature Freely Gives
Jack In The Green awakens from his slumber
Spring is upon us, nature in all her wonder
Gaze in awe of rebirth, renewal, fertility
Stood deep in the forest, deep within tranquillity
Robin Goodfellow his mischief to perform
Souring milk, trampling crop circles from fields of corn
Tripping those who into the green wood unwary tread
Laughing, yet another traveller away from p...
Sunday 14th July 2019 7:47 am
Drawn together
Drawn together, by god's hand
canvas weathered, with black clouds on foreign land
placed on parchment in the darkness
the line is thin from me to you, each other's mind paint the others dreamscape
drawn to you, the flip book of life brings us ever closer as every moment pass
each page bookmarked and in immediate view, I pray always my spine hold from the load placed on you
on the margin ...
Sunday 23rd June 2019 2:09 am
Dark to light
I come from a dark place
The land of no return some may call it
Making my way back up to the surface
After living in my head for
I pay homage to the fall and winter
Because it brings me closer to myself
Yet I am starting to notice how much I have been ignoring the light
How does the spring and summer affect me?
Besides being hot and feeling like I want t...
Saturday 22nd June 2019 6:03 pm
I come from a dark place
The land of no return some may call it
Making my way back up to the surface
After living in my head for
I pay homage to the fall and winter
Because it brings me closer to myself
Yet I am starting to notice how much I have been ignoring the light
How does the spring and summer affect me?
Besides being hot and feeling like I want t...
Saturday 22nd June 2019 6:02 pm
Walls fall
Seismic vibes reach through the faults
the connection pulls us together collectively
As we embrace, we look for a way to drown out our doubts and fears
Walls fall, curled up under the table, her past remains the same
as for her future i can save her, let us recover
what was lost to damage.
Sift through the rubble for our gems and jewels, trinkets and fuel
as we lie i...
Friday 21st June 2019 9:31 pm
A natural concert
Surrounded by summer verdancy,
the sweet smell of the linden tree
and the deciduous arboreal presence
dining on the twilight sun.
The bright notes of the songstress
soothe my ears and calm my nerves,
that mambo rhythm cradles me
while I dream of glorious dances.
The floating melody is in full flight
and transcends the corporeal
to rise above the out reaching soul
Thursday 20th June 2019 12:34 pm
i am as a sapling in the shadow of a hundred year oak
try not to breathe, not to stir
i wish to remain unnoticed at the edge of your meadow
here in my solitude
i dare not disturb this perfect silence
inexplicable and deeper than night
nothing casting it
a black shadow wavers in the bright sunlight
it covers the the meadow floor
pulling at my curiosity I am lost in it's mystery
Sunday 16th June 2019 10:44 am
Morning calm
A world of desperation.
The face and the faceless.
Indescribable yet on the tip of my tongue.
Impecability holds the key to power.
I stare out over the city on my park bench throne.
The morning hours calm my mind.
Crows speak in their own tongue.
I reflect on a night of dreaming.
The number is 4.
Time to let go of what I can no longer carry.
My saving grace is ...
Monday 10th June 2019 2:29 pm
You ask if I believe in God...
How can I not?
To deny my Father
means I leave my existence
to some 30 year old predator
who impregnated a girl half his age
and left her to raise their child
in the wilderness, among wolves
that feed on loneliness and despair.
Without my Father, I would never know
that after suffering comes deliverance,
pain leads to compassion,
forgiveness breaks b...
Sunday 19th May 2019 7:16 pm
Twisted Love
Love once bloomed
like a fragrant flower
in eternal spring.
Through years of
torrential summer tears,
then droughts,
the scent faded.
All that seemingly remains
are scorched petals that drop
like dead leaves in fall.
But, far beneath
the frozen surface,
intertwined roots run deep...
Making our twisted love
hardy, to weather the
toughest seasons.
Wednesday 8th May 2019 1:57 am
Storms outside
Storms inside..
The creature within untamed and wild..
Nature destructs to avenge..
Cruel, insensitive games, too many piled..
Storms Outside
Storms inside..
Saturday 4th May 2019 11:23 am
A home away from the cries of the maddening crowd..
Fragrant rose bushes and lilies it pleasantly enshrouds..
A garden gazing the silently flowing river..
Scenic scapes of land makes the heart quiver..
Morn brings chirpy feathered friends to door..
Time for pensive thoughts and images to explore..
Noon yields to the languid dance of the autumn breeze..
Siesta brings peace and rushed...
Sunday 28th April 2019 10:07 am
Nature's Banquet
Nature’s Banquet
I am the humble Wildebeest -
Mother Natures moving feast.
My mother warned “Don’t wander off
or you’ll end up a Lion’s scoff”.
Some folk call me a Gnu,
I’ve heard it all, there’s nothing new
In puns that you may decide to frame
around this inauspicious name.
I guess I’ll never have a life
of family bliss with kids and wife,
cause every da...
Tuesday 23rd April 2019 3:00 pm
Fleeting persistence
She was the one constant throughout his life
His endless reference to existence
From infancy she reflected him back at him
She was his world, the very reason he lived
She gave birth to him, ejaculating him into the air
For the first time he felt separation from her wet womb
But their connection was permanent
She was as much he, as he was him
Her brilliance dazzled...
Wednesday 17th April 2019 2:01 pm
The Tree
Ruminating about the forgotten bygone days..
All shall perish,as what the nature says..
My thoughts go back to those vernal sapling years..
So tender, gusts of wind would tremble and bring on tears..
Whispering kind words, nurturing hands gave me strength and zeal..
The trunk thickened over time, my foliage had a strange appeal..
They took shelter and immersed themselves in my shade..
Tuesday 16th April 2019 8:33 pm
Close to the Ground
I choke on the word spirituality.
Not so much on the reality
but the sometimes solitary focus
on the ethereal, mystical, and utterly
invisible. I lose my way in the mist.
My spirit hums closer
to the ground, often emerges
with mud on its face. It scrounges
truth among the mushrooms and
lichen. Peels off labels from
discarded tin cans, and there among
the roaches an...
Friday 5th April 2019 2:29 am
Pleiades - An enchanting valley
Dazzling,twinkling, breathtaking valley..
Dusk and enchanting dawn so ethereal..
Daunting hills gazed admiringly..
Deodars and Pines surrounding the fluvial.
Droplets of rain and cimmerian clouds..
Dazed by the bewitching play of nature..
Devoid of the bustling, maddening crowd..
Destined to be the abode of a true admirer..
Monday 1st April 2019 5:56 pm
Kerala Visit
kerala is peaceful and beautiful
in all cases and places
Keralite people are so cheerful
I can read "welcome" on faces
The Green Carpet of all guests
and pure nature to enjoy
generous people happily smiling
at any time of any day
Life in Kerala based on love
and clear hearts for caring
I love Kerala more than enough
I'll come back sure for sharing
Friday 29th March 2019 3:47 pm
Closing eyes, mind brings spectacular sights..
Brightly blooming daisies and daffodils..
The flush of the roses ushering a royal light..
The sun-kissed sunflowers near the majestic foothills...
Sweet scent of lavender renders beautiful nostalgia..
The bountiful blooms bringing joy and embalming the soul..
The efflorescence and magical spread of the acacia..
Painting the canvas of m...
Thursday 28th March 2019 5:25 pm
Wild Flowers
In the blue-green meadow
of my silent soul,
scorpion grass -
dormant for decades,
now grows wild and free,
sustaining me,
spreading love
for the aching world
to behold its beauty.
Monday 25th February 2019 3:27 am
The Protectors
They had stood over me since my birth
Watching, Protecting
Heads bowed in respectful silence
Friends who gave so much
Yet asked for nothing
I grew up sheltered by their love
Safe in their strength
Knowing that one day
I too would stand high
And bask in the light of life
Eventually they fell
One by one
Giving more light each time
Tuesday 15th January 2019 1:07 am
Miss Peace
gusts of wind caress gracefully pine
screaming that mountain animals cradle grand
blending yourself in awe don't expect to break up
sighed in longing flattered
the edge of the canyon stretches peacefully green
I suck dew drops on the shoots of weeds
the gurgling of the small bamboo shower of the river
the flow of life is never obsolete
lush leaves scattered by human motion
the women w...
Wednesday 9th January 2019 11:48 pm
Living in Harmony
thick clouds filled the head cavity
blocked the view from clear eyes
the curtain hesitated to confine the soul
restless should not be bound by conscience
the thunder shook the heart
deafness of true self honesty
should the words be said rudely
power desire is only worldly
raindrops wet the burning body of the earth
increasingly wet the embankment of will
anger submerged by cold water
Monday 7th January 2019 2:16 pm
Morning Romantic Hope
morning brings the scent of rain last night
wet ground refresh the new morning
conscience hopes the days are no longer dark
surrendering to the storm must pass
clear dew decorates the tips of the leaves
wet green longing natural life
in silence the mood is pleasing
deplete the mud and replace it clearly
sunny sun slowly warms the earth
birds chirping with the spirit of life
restless ...
Thursday 3rd January 2019 3:42 pm
Writer's Block
When you get writer's block
go for a walk
find a friend
have a talk
blow bubbles
spin a top
count stars
watch birds flock
whatever you do
don't stare
at a blank page
as the clock
goes tick-tock.
Thursday 3rd January 2019 12:58 pm
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