The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

prismatic beings

legs crossed i lay, deep in prayer

as i enter her domicile pyramid prism with a rainbow flash

headspace filled with subsequent intrinsic peace and peachy afterglow, washing out wrath

sifting through the banks of her mind, i produce schisms, and visually metaphysical visions

visualization techniques split at the ream leaving a colorful flurry

scurrying across triangular entropy into endless division

and prismatic thought bubbles filled with fractal split decisions


in a multiverse i search for a possibility of infinity with you, each moment with no break into the next.

etheric inertia prove pivotal attracting my butterfly

without agility too.

PI branch and break at a point, in two , at a vertex


Mother Gaia's ecosystems prove potent to evolution

she laylines and split rivers, seperating, astral cascades and rainbow scales

the forked lightning booms through air breakers

matrix code drips down the walls, temporally, as the holographic greens leak primal energy


my soul speaks as i tread across the mariana trench

seperated by the very fabric of space

intricacies only detailed walking the path along the maze

butterfly covered tree, with our initials, phrases that have been unphased












New Age Spiritualityspiritualitynaturemotherlovelifepoetrypoemrelationshipshappiness

◄ second wind

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