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Lost Meanings

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Hearing that words from Natural history such as Acorn and Conker are now lost on the latest generation got me thinking...


When web was a silky spider's thread

When online was your school shirt

Fixed on with a peg

When a tablet was something 

You took, when ill

Nothing more

But a type of pill

When mouse was

Something chased

By a cat

OK, I'm going

Too far back

When Tweeting

Was the

Birdsong you heard

Not a digital message

Of very few words

Tech takes over

What everything means

Yet still not the


Of a

Natural scene



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Don Matthews

Fri 23rd Aug 2019 09:14

Good heavens! Ruth O'Reilly
I can't believe my eyes
You 'digitally detox' as well
You me you do surprise.

But you also please me. Sitting on, but not squashing, little leaves. Good girl.....

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Ruth O'Reilly

Thu 22nd Aug 2019 23:59

Don I don't really know much on the telegram but stinky phone boxes where you had to reverse the charges to make a call home as a kid when lost yeah ha ha Thank God for mobiles!

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Ruth O'Reilly

Thu 22nd Aug 2019 23:57

Thanks Jason glad you liked the poem. I was a teenager when going online took off but yeah I remember just before that and I think it's good to have an awareness of both and the development of it all. Couldn't live without technology but I do digitally detox as well.

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Don Matthews

Thu 22nd Aug 2019 23:47

Ain't technology grand Jason? Until it stops working. Think you can fix the 'simple' problem yourself? Nah. Shit technology....

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Jason Bayliss

Thu 22nd Aug 2019 23:40

True enough Don, we are pampered by convenience nowadays, but honestly, in this instance, I like it. I can share a thought with the other side of the world instantly, that's gotta be pretty amazing hasn't it?

J. x

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Don Matthews

Thu 22nd Aug 2019 23:24


Remember when you wanted to ring someone the other side of the world you had to go to the post office and book the call with the operator, then go into a cubicle? If broke, you could ask for reverse charges. Simple times. But frustrating at times.

And telegram that little baby donny had arrived?... ?

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Jason Bayliss

Thu 22nd Aug 2019 19:04

So true, I have no regrets about growing up in a time before, the internet, mobile phones, CD's, etc. But the fact that I can now talk for free, instantly with friends across the world means I'm also glad of the tech. Great poem.

J. x

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Don Matthews

Thu 22nd Aug 2019 13:23

Sorry Ruth. DoRoThY has a habit of grabbing my attention.

I liked this one. When I visited England aged 5 it was great fun threading conkers on string and bashing them together ?

Isn't that what they now call a fizzled computer? A 'conker', derived from Olde English 'conked' out. Still working on hitech meaning of 'acorn' . Neurons conking out on me......

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Don Matthews

Thu 22nd Aug 2019 13:16

DoRoThY - am I doomed? I live in a topsy turvy world. I'm upside down. What do you advise to de-topsy-turvy me?

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