forgotten (Remove filter)
When we die,
We'll be forgotten,
But what can we say when
We're forgotten
While alive?
What am I to think
When I am invisible?
When I am cast aside?
When I am the problem?
Who is there to see me for me?
Does death then hold no meaning?
Is death even worth fearing?
Or is it rather embraced
As a means of escape
From those who
Don't care
At all?
Thursday 21st November 2024 4:33 pm
Things I can't do
Forgotten how to smile
forgotten how to react
how to engage
Its insidious
Its life...
Why is it life?
It’s not life
Its how I choose to live
Learn to smile again
I smiled in Spain
even when I was in so much pain
It needn’t be so far removed from day to day life
Remember that.
Tuesday 15th March 2022 9:20 am
someone's forgotten cottage
someone’s forgotten cottage
walking in the woods
I discovered
an old deserted cottage
weeds and thicket grew all around
the windows were gone
old curtains blew in the
breeze seeming to enjoy their
almost freedom
old chairs sitting in front
of the cottage wasting away
in the rain sun and snow
if I look hard enough might
I get a glimpse...
Saturday 6th March 2021 5:57 pm
Forgotten in the Attic
Forgotten in the Attic
Old clothes in the attic
Yesterday’s peacock feathers
Indigo, blue and red
Faded profusion in the darkness
High In the loft that’s above our bed
Long gone twills and corduroy
Neatly folded in their creases
Neatly folded where they lay
All in pretty layers of their day
Brown brogues in the attic
Tinsel and baubles on the tree
Sunday 24th March 2019 10:12 am
I’m losing my mind.
Don’t you understand?
I’m desperately reaching out for your hand.
Don’t leave me hanging, slipping, falling…
down into the endless abyss of darkness,
Never destined to land.
You’ve saved me once before,
But this time there are no safety ropes.
I’m free-falling, plummeting, going down…
My only hope Is for you to save me now.
I’m losing my ...
Monday 18th June 2018 2:59 pm
forgotten are the times
our laughs filled the air
gone are the times
we wished would never leave
time passes
memories fade
in blistering august
i shiver
Tuesday 6th March 2018 10:34 pm
We Tried
We tried to right what was wrong.
But we couldn't hold on long.
We tried to fight for what was right.
But we failed under the enemies' might.
Pain and suffering, despair and greed.
That was their creed.
Freedom and safety, love and honor.
That was our banner.
Try as we might,
They won't give us our rights.
Exiled from our homes,
With the cold deep in our bones,
Sunday 3rd July 2016 3:43 am
Your body was found dead in your flat, three months gone and smelling like hell.
They came and took you away, to the morgue downtown, an unhappy place.
Clearing your flat they found £4.88, not much to show for a lonely death.
Always on your own, eternally in death. How sad no one will see you buried, a pauper’s death, the undertaker the only witness at this solemn occasion.
...Wednesday 15th January 2014 3:25 pm
Dead Man
The dead man sits on his sofa and watches TV
in his East German tower block apartment.
Cash in the bank pays his bills, no eviction notice here.
What was once a real person is a mummified corpse, all wrinkled and shrunken.
For three years he's been like this, a TV critic.
Bored fucking shitless, dead.
From soaps to films, he's endured them all.
No neighb...
Monday 9th September 2013 12:20 pm
The Voice of a Quill, Now Silent
I am but the mottled bark
of a tree once firmly rooted,
peeled from its stately trunk
and within my hollow carapace
echoes an inert drumbeat
that keeps the cadence for
a march of ornate trappings
soon and sooner still, one day
this crepuscular orphelin song
resonant in its languid longing
shall surge with the rising tide
the sound of its condescencion
as i...
Sunday 25th November 2012 2:54 pm
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