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Old Vic

Old Vic


Once these doors close

The lights are dimmed

They may never open again


The soft ghosts of actors

Fading in our memory

Leaving only distant echoes


The bright gaudy costumes

The greasepaint and powders

All left where they last fell


The empty seats collect dust

The stage becomes a mausoleum

Of tragedy and comedy


Pennies draining ...

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day95old victheatredemiseclosure threatcovid-19prolonged closure


I feel dead inside

I can no longer hide

For so long I've lied

I promise, I truly tried,

But today is the day that I died.

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demisedeathmetaphorical deathliesdead inside. dead. mental healthdepressionrock bottompainhurtgive upsadnessnumbnessmaskbeneath the mask

The Demise of the Optimist

I arose to a light each day
No fret nor fear
Light was my heart each day
No burden of tomorrow

Swift was the awakening
And thus came the end
For the warm and friendly optimist

Maybe it was dust was buried
Or the earth that swallowed
The oh so promising optimist

Cries went unheard
Of a life endangered
By the swallowing ignorance
And the engulfing endeavors

Lasting only so long

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The Cortege

Lived life being damned

in death getting adored


Extolled to extremities

in past all but abhorred


 Dwelled in deprivation

in livery being adorned


Hated earlier presence

absence now’s mourned


May the dear departed

find final resting place


Beyond the life of misery

or any recurring disgrace


Duplicitous sort facets

thus truly come t...

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The Voice of a Quill, Now Silent

I am but the mottled bark
of a tree once firmly rooted,
peeled from its stately trunk

and within my hollow carapace
echoes an inert drumbeat
that keeps the cadence for
a march of ornate trappings

soon and sooner still, one day
this crepuscular orphelin song
resonant in its languid longing
shall surge with the rising tide

the sound of its condescencion
as i...

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Callow Heart


Once, so many years ago,
such a distant place and clime;
moments of thought and life were shared,
each move in perfect time.

Words in unison, hearts pulsed,
so intimate each gesture;
each expression fears repulsed,
companions of great measure.

Now it seems we're worlds apart;
nothing more in common share.
The last desired thing to start,
last threads ...

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The Silent Quill


a grated gate by midnight's light
once fell upon a sorry sight
as rain washed out the scarlet stain
the skies bowed down to hear the pain

a voice without a body heard
the sordid tale its waist did gird
one witness found, torn leaf by leaf
Creation's glory sank to grief

a tale no word was writ nor said
into the ground the silence bled
a soaked and orphaned qui...

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