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grace (Remove filter)

Flowers in You

In your eyes, I see the sun, serene and rare,
Where light, in its colors, becomes a garden bright,
And in your gestures, clear enchantments flare,
Like a thousand flowers dancing in the light.

Ah, you are the flower the heavens gave to earth,
Growing in pure grace, in shape and hue,
Like the lily deep in fields of endless worth,
Spreading the fragrance of an eternal view.

In your smile...

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The stars that fill the midnight sky,

or single grains of sand

cannot compare to all his works

too vast to understand.


What number counts the drops of rain

that make the oceans wide?

How many hours and days and years

fill up eternal life?


How far the furthest star lies from

the meager grasp of man?

How far across this universe

hath he stretched fo...

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mercygracelovegod's lovegod's mercy

Forgiveness ~ an act of Self Love 

When I talk about Forgiveness,
I am not talking about you sitting down with an ex or whoever,
and telling them you forgive them for whatever they did to you
so they can feel better, No.
The Forgiveness I Am talking about is done for the Self,
it is an act of Self Love, meant to remove the
burden of Anger/Sorrow from Your Soul.
Done in the privacy of You...

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a founding grace

from heaven to grace
from heaven to speaking grace
speak is speaking grace
speak is speaking the lord of grace
jesus is a lord of grace
speaking grace is speaking the lord of grace
grace is speaking grace

a son is a son of grace
a son is a son of the lord
jesus is a son of grace
jesus is a son of the lord
a son of grace is a son of a lord
heaven is a founding grace
a son of grace is...

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Although she was beautiful

her struggle never seemed to fade.

With roots as strong as hers she would always smile

even when her petals were plucked and frayed. 

Remember how her beauty glowed 

as she faced the sun with grace.

Half laughing, half crying 

somehow she bloomed from her pain. 

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beautyloveself caregrowthstrengthgracepain

Inspiration figée

Poupée de glace modelée par les regards 

Figurine de lumière 

Mais carcan de toile 

Fuite impossible 

Grâce piégée dans la création.  


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icemodelIntrospectionglacecréationpoetrydilemmagraceNew Blog Entrymannequin






Is it a Curse .. or God's Grace 
To live alone heart and place 
Suffering what I always face 
Hopeless to be myself again 

Are these changes good for me 
To be lonely always or not to be 
To live away of what I see 
I lost my hope and brain 

Sadly to wake up and sleep 
Painful to feel yourself cheap 
Living alone hurts in deep 
I wish to know why, but i...

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The Glowering Mists of Autumn

The Glowering Mists of Autumn


As I travel life's journey I'm often-times struck

By a vision both novel and possibly true; that serenity

In a dangerous world without luck,

Is impossible; but is there a temporal divinity?


Perhaps the root causes of wonder and joy

Really are in the sky, or on Dante's fine peak,

Or my fireside, where the dance won't annoy

In the compa...

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Tear up the calendars,
Tear down the clocks;

For the evil that they do
is written in the faces
Torn to shreds by the hands of time
In a frenzy of the  workaholic’s pantomime.

Tear up the calendars,
Tear down the clocks.

Slow down the days,
Speed up the lives.
Boot out deadlines;
Bring in lifelines,
Then sigh at the oxymoron
That is “quality time”.

Time is the...

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My Fall and His Grace



My sin hangs Him back on the cross,
And the traitor of Heaven clings to me.
I swallowed a little poison out or pleasure,
And my soul towards Him staggers to reach Him.
I let my soul stroll in filth and dirt,
And have carried the mud with me shrouded.
I look like a toad croaking from the ditch,
And I see Him invisibly looking at me,
And He shows His distorted countena...

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