The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.



Tear up the calendars,
Tear down the clocks;

For the evil that they do
is written in the faces
Torn to shreds by the hands of time
In a frenzy of the  workaholic’s pantomime.

Tear up the calendars,
Tear down the clocks.

Slow down the days,
Speed up the lives.
Boot out deadlines;
Bring in lifelines,
Then sigh at the oxymoron
That is “quality time”.

Time is the passing of the world
Through the failing of its people;
Where time is the graceless warp of community
In the weft of society.

Tear up the calendars,
Tear down the clocks.

Grace is timeless.

So tear up the calendars
And tear down the clocks -
The revolution of grace is begun.



◄ For the third time

Twelfth Night ►


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Candice Reineke

Tue 12th Jul 2016 19:39

Ahhh yes. Grace is timeless. Beautiful concept, Phil!

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Sat 11th Jun 2016 19:25

Great rhyme scheme, loved the audio:)

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Robert Mann

Sat 11th Jun 2016 18:39

Phil - time is a constrict invented by man, but has become the governor to whom we have all become slaves. How much 'freedom' would we have without these confines which shackle us to the clock? Nice piece.

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