The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.


Something has changed,

Not in the usual way:

The natural adjustment,

The evolution of life.

No, this something,

It's foreign to my mind.

Oh wanderer of new lands,

On an unwalked path.

As fog clears,

Unveiling the whole trail,

"X" marks the spot,

The same spot it always has.

But this journey

To meet it,

It was written in invisble ink,

Only to appear

With the right touch.

I'm doubtful to trust,

Second guessing complete immersion,

But I can't avoid it,

Like a moth I'm drawn.

"X" marks the spot where the key is,

Put all the pieces together

And unlock your treasure.

The travel won't be easy,

I assure you of that,

But you're on your way

To unlocking my heart.


new lovevulnerabletrustnew beginnings

◄ Floor of Lava

Yellow Brick Road ►


<Deleted User> (19913)

Wed 22nd Aug 2018 03:08

This is beautiful Jara

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