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Graham Sherwood on Return to Waterloo
59 minutes ago

Graham Sherwood on One thing becomes another
1 hour ago

Mike Bartram on 'Baby Bear'
1 hour ago

Graham Sherwood on Forgive, Not Forget
3 hours ago

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4 hours ago

K. Lynn on We Rise
4 hours ago

branwell kent on Bill
7 hours ago

John Coopey on MY MAN
10 hours ago

Stephen Gospage on We Rise
13 hours ago

McKune's Stanyan Street

McKune’s Stanyan Street



I  saw you walking on Stanyan Street today


you seemed to be in a hurry

or concerned

or searching


were you trying to find a new acquaintance


or looking for the memory of Rod McKuen

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searchingpast memories

woman in starbuck's window

woman in a starbuck’s window



woman sits in a starbuck’s window

looking, searching, waiting, watching


is it the thing that watchers

in an  Edward Hopper painting

wait, search, look, watch for


does she know

who she is looking for

who she is searching for

who she is waiting for

who she is watching for


I wonder if the subjects in

Hopper’s pa...

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Trapped - Haiku

I'm trapped in darkness

Searching for the light to leave

Will I ever find it?

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haikuhaiku poemstrappeddarknesssearching


Enchanting, charming

Kind and caring.

How I fall for this disarming lie

Cunning, swift

Capturing and setting adrift.

A mind so confused

Looking for a missing muse.


There was a sign

Didn’t you see?

A warning of note

But no, you let it free.


Heart so soft and bruised

She doesn’t need to be used

But…it’s her fault

She must bring it to a halt



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searchingtroubled heartLongingconfusionSelf-discovery

In a Sea of Lonely Nights

A lonely boy in a sea of lonely nights 

in that last hour of the day

capturing words he wishes he had said

writing them down

so they’re out of his head


Music fills the air

soothing the tension

lessening the cares


Take a trip to the other side: 

what makes the other person tick,

what makes them come alive,

what’s in their head they’re trying to hide



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Get Lost in the Pouring Rain

So feeble

we fumble

bodies tangling, intertwining

we get lost in the moment,

in the rush

drifting off to our own space


No time like the present

we’re looking for answers in the pouring rain


If you could get by

for one night

without looking for the answers


If you could

for one night

love me just the same


Everybody needs something

to j...

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Climbing up the Walls

You discover them

one by one

climbing up the walls

searching for something to satisfy their hunger


They gather there

smelling the sweetness calling them

they see their chance

a long journey has taken place


Will they reach their target

or will they be wiped out

only to start over again

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I'm searching for a genie at the bottom of every bottle.
But three wishes will only last a little while.
So I'll just sit and sip on my own sorrow,
But you know I'm still going to try again tomorrow.

I'm searching for some rhyme or reason,
Why I'm still here in this mental prison.
Maybe so I'm forced into self-reflection.
But you know I'm stuck in this misdirection.

I'm searching for a...

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Stairs going up, stairs going down,

Spiraling stairs going around, around, around.

Which ones to take, which ones to leave,

Ladder or snake? Where does it lead? What is achieved?


Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down,

Sometimes you just go around and around.

Nobody knows the troubles you've seen,

Nobody 'cept Jesus.


I passed a man coming...

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The End is Nigh

The end is nigh

And here am I

On the edge and trembling

Who will catch me if I fall

Who will be there for it all

The one who stays from end to end

The one who I can call my friend

The one who loves me true and through

The one who knows just what to do

When the end is nigh.


The end is nigh

And here am I

Cascading through the follies

Who will help me find ...

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I know you're out there 
I can hear your voice in the wind that rustles the leafless trees 
Like them I'm waiting for Spring 
For warmth 
To grow again inside love 

I'm searching for you
I chase my shadow in the fading colours of the setting sun
Look for your message amongst the stars 
Face upturned 
Bathed in moonlight
In awe of the universe

I've dreamt ...

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In Limbo

She’s lost here somewhere,
Lost in limbo,
In these dark woods
Where we dare not go.
But I must find her
And bring her home.
She doesn’t belong here
Amongst the ravenous crows.

The moonlight spears
Like shards of blue glass
Through the thick canopy,
Piercing the black grass.
The trees block me
But I have a promise to keep
And I’ll push on through;
Miles to go bef...

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For I am Gone

Do not look for me, for I am gone.
I am the silent songs of birds, the words
Of ancient etchings scratched off warm stones.
The lone tumbleweed on open sands,
Spreading nothing more across vast lands
And crashing into sparse trees.
I am the breeze on the path that is left behind.
The vacant mind of an elderly man captured
In a photograph. I am the white edge,
The ledge of a pr...

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