The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Climbing up the Walls

You discover them

one by one

climbing up the walls

searching for something to satisfy their hunger


They gather there

smelling the sweetness calling them

they see their chance

a long journey has taken place


Will they reach their target

or will they be wiped out

only to start over again



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Thu 19th Dec 2019 05:36

Thanks, Don. Glad you enjoyed it. ?

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Don Matthews

Thu 19th Dec 2019 05:17

I knew it was about ants. Wanted to push my mind for other scenarios via my characters.

Forgetting Ethel and Bert, this was a clever, well-thought-out poem Mika. I enjoyed it


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Thu 19th Dec 2019 05:11

True story, inspired by ants but could relate to so much more!

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Don Matthews

Thu 19th Dec 2019 04:21

Wot's this all about Eth?

Ants luv.....Obviously

Why not those people who climb Evrest?.....

No pet.....ants

If you say so Eth....


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