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wayward seasons

summer brings slurries
wicked sticky sleet drops
puddling, pooling, icicles dripping
slush gushes from the frosted rooftops
winter heat fries the egg
cracked on rocky road
melting the cream
burning the orange cone
Melbourne Falls, darkness dawns
sixty days of night
madness in the streets
kingdom of crime
Tamura Springs, sky rains cancer
the sakura flower lost
our beautiful reminder

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Rhymeclimate changesci-fi

The Dig

The Dig


Thousands of years later

They found the sacred site

And used their soft sable brushes

To clear the earth from their finds

Here was what looked like a drinking vessel

Owned by a Covid-19 man called Persil

And look part of a plate with the lettering McDon

So possibly owned by someone from the Northern Zone

Inflation devices with logos of Asda and Lidl


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NaPoWriMo2017day 28(89)archeologyfuturepastmisunderstoodlitterrubbishartefactssci-fi

Aquatic Stardust - a freewrite

Aquarian Aquarius,
everyone be hearing us.
What an exciting life you lead,
cosmic superhuman centipede.
I’m Centric G pause for the D:
ejaculating antiquating - even thoughts dilapidated.
You should go through twice
extinguish anguish from your life
cosmic zombie souls are sliced.
Universal detoxification 
electrocuting nation-notions
rubbing Atlas, struggled rolling
infinitesimal scro...

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poetryrapcomedysemanticssemantic fieldssilly semanticsfreewritefreestyleloveuniversegalaxiesearthwaterlifefantasysci-fidoggosdogsmemessilliness

Less Than Human

Less Than Human


Crash landed on this barren planet

Twenty seven forty three

Co-pilot killed on impact

And eaten eventually

There’s no food in the food hold

Incinerated by the heat

I’m trapped here in the cockpit

With the bones of Corporal Lee


Got out through the meteor shield

By use of a sharpened shin

That I made into a passable axe

By very careful ho...

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scifi pastichemetaphor for cosmetic surgerysci-ficannibalsurgery



They were young
and cowering in an alley,
fearful for the future,
as sirens screeched
around them.

The sky a molten white
of churning clouds.

Everyone running,
colliding, jostling,
trying to be anywhere
but here.

She turned to him
with moist eyes
and lips the colour
of arterial blood.

When he tilted
her chin upwards
her gaze never left
the yellowing smoke

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end of daysevictionkisslove storymankindnuclear blastrichpixsci-fi

Sci-Fi So Good

Sci-Fi So Good


I look up to the spickly skies and wonder whether creatures

are idly looking down on me with glubulitious features.

For if the truth is out there (and I have no cause to doubt),

is it green or mangerine and does it blodge about?

Does it wear snickly nylon suits that sprackle when it walks

and will it chuggle like a baby every time it talks?



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nonsense versescience fictionchilds musingsaliensTV cultureSci-fi




Oh, mighty planet of fire and of ice,

you are the bounty of life

and of all things ever made.

You belong in all worlds especially ours

where the frozen water at your poles

and the fire at your middle heart

make all life yours to control.


Creatures of fire swim in

seas of molten lava

while beings of ice glide

over infinite frozen ice la...

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fantasy planetsurrealnaturesci-fi


I wasn't dead,

just never alive

Turner Prize

gold medal

all for a dive.


A dyspraxic in a speedboat

as I struggled to swim

in shark infested waters

but I won't let them win.


The rewards of success

for creating a mess

an unmade bed

for an economy's left.


People can study

and some even praise

others are starstruck


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Poke'monSci-fiDoctor WhoChemistryMetalsPoetryRapSpokenwordPoliticsCapitalism

Mendres Monologue

I'm playing Mendres, the identity of the devil and lead antagonist in an upcoming British film called Dark Domain.

I wrote this piece as a spoken word/metal fusion piece for the project.


Some say the pen is mightier than the sword,

But they all fear the might of my demonic horde.

I'm Mendres, I'm the devil incarnate,

I use the Dark Domain and I seal y...

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deathdevildark domainevil.MendresSatansci-fipoetryrockmetal

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