The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Insecurities (Remove filter)

Uncalculated Coitus

You touch me with your cold hands that have touched too many.

Finally making me feel seen and desirable.

As I gaze intently into your eyes, I notice you are not searching to see my soul.

You are simply seeing the face and lips that lie before you.

I hold hunger to be in your world, you only hold hunger to be in my body.

Although when you hold me tight, everything seems to be alrigh...

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Engraved Insecurities

I spend sleepless nights
Rehearsing the
Bold confident smile
Which lasts
Till I glance at
The palm of my hand
With a list of

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I don't mind

I don’t know where I’m coming from

and I don’t know where I’m going

if I don’t know this

what do I know then?


driven by insecurity

my mind tries to fill the void inside

searching for something that is real

getting trapped in the web

running in a wheel


make up your mind

and let the shit flow through

what’s important will stick around you

holding on to s...

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the girl with the curves wishes she was thinner

the girl with narrow hips wishes her breasts were bigger


the girl with the acne wishes her skin was clear

the girl with clear skin wishes her freckles would disappear 


the girl with intelligence wishes she was pretty

the girl with beauty wishes classes were easy


the girl with straight hair wishes it was curly

the g...

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Prolonging The Inevitable.

Tell me baby who's on your mind?
Who do you see when your lips are on mine?

Is it the guy you kissed?
Or your friend you miss?
Or somebody that I completely dismissed?
Anyway, I guess I deserve all of this.
I put you through hell when I promised you bliss.

I know i'm getting fat,
And my habits are pretty bad,
I need to trim my nails,
And I'm just always fucking sad.

What a drag.


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am i selfish?

Note: there is some strong language in this. it's not too bad. it's not too excessive, either. one word in here twice, i think. and if you're wondering, yes, the colors mean something. and yes, im genuinely asking a question to you, the reader. and to the person this is about. but i pray he never reads or finds this. anyway, enjoy.


Am I selfish for wanting another hug? 

I handed you the...

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bad friendsbad poetrycolorsdepressiondoubtfatherhigh schoolhopeinsecuritieslovemotherneednightmaresplatonic lovesadschoolsuicidesuicide note?supportteacherwant

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