The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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: In Solitude :

From the subconscious mind,

Came a memory lost behind.

It reminded me of, gently then,

A music pure and fresh as rain.


I felt the tunes play in my soul.

The familiar melody to enthrall.

So long lost in the layers of time,

Heard it again - just as pristine!


Then back it went to nethermind.

A caressing whisper it left behind.

I felt it then - with some surpris...

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PoetryMemoryRememberingMemories from pastCouplet

The Tracks Of My Years

The Tracks Of My Years


We sat cross legged in summer dusk

A smoky haze passing through

Admired artwork airbrushed

In fantastic swirls of colour

Reading words in synchronised

Staccato with the music

Flowing from the stereo


Simpler times

Longer hair

No aching joints


I wish we could do that again

But friends disappear like exhaled smoke

And some a...

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Remember When

Remember when we acted so sly,
Going to lunch and getting high?
Remember when we camped and drank all night;
all of us glowing in the fires light?

Remember the girls we used to date,
How they never used to make us wait?
Remember the time we all skipped school?
Always together, forever, free and cool.

Remember how we all dressed the same,
And thought those over 20 were lame?
Remember ...

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Remember Me

Darkest days

Be my brightest night

When I felt that sun glow touch

Emanate from your soft smile


Coldest wind be the

Torture of my skin

While your love seals me in

The violet of the dawning sky


The scarlet of the new sunrise

Is all I feel when you’re nearby…


Wait no…

This is but a memory…


Grab my heart and never let go

Do you remember that ...

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So do you still remember me across the tumbled years

Far off thoughts from far away places

Memories fading the pictures of our love

Do you ever think of me the way I do you

Of knowing stares and smiles and eyes that glitter

With no need for words as the loving thoughts just flitter

Warmth from head to heart, from heart to soul, into the bone

Do our thoughts bounce and join acr...

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A Wound That Never Heals

A Wound That Never Heals


It hurts me

when a you shaped hole

appears in the cosmos,

where there is

an absence of colour,

where the sound

scrapes along,

where the light

is masked by

dense grey mist.


That’s where

I miss you

the most.


When it rains

a greasy rain,

when the cracked bell


when the planets

are misaligned.



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A Quiet Night At The Telescope

It's a quiet night

a quiet night at the telescope

an eye on things

all that's unfolded, all that is done


The moment shivers

as December's knifing breath sinks deep

and weather's long sigh

the only sound in all this silence


The whole sky 

looks straight into my eye

The whole of space 

has it's magnifying glass to my eye

searching for something



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After the bath
she used to drag
black worms
of coal dust
from the corner
of his eyes.

He has never cried,
though sometimes -
when he thinks back -
for no apparent reason
he finds charcoal
on his cheeks.

He is clean now,
though for many years
every crease and wrinkle
on his angry forehead
was gritted with
carbon hate.

Where once stood
a newsagents
on the corn...

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miners strikeFryston collierycarnationsminersdeath of communityremembering

For Maggie - NaPoWriMo Day 6

Before you start reading this piece, I'd like to take your attention for one moment to remember Maggie Turner, the woman whom this piece is about. She was a firecracker of a woman and one of the most inspiring, intelligent, opinionated, caring, compassionate people I've ever known. She said what she thought and wore her heart on her sleeve. Not enough people in this world do that, and I love he...

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Maggie TurnerMemoryMemoriesVADATheatreLGBTLoveFriendshipPersonalityRemembering

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