disability (Remove filter)
I Thank My Fortune
I thank earth.
I thank my fortune in being born where and when,
And to whom and with whom I was born.
I thank water.
I thank my fortune in having health and sense,
And sense of health, and sense of sense.
I thank wind.
I thank my fortune in my paths and choices,
For they have led me to this path and choice.
I thank fire.
I thank my fortune in my abilities and disabilities
As t...
Thursday 26th November 2020 2:58 pm
Willpower and Discipline
Willpower and discipline,
have long been two of the
most despised words in the
english language to me.
What character flaw prevents
the willpower and discipline
necessary to be the person
I imagine myself capable of being?
A half-lived life is heartbreaking.
There is no acceptable excuse,
not age or disability.
Even people with no limbs
live empowered lives
built on willp...
Saturday 12th October 2019 3:29 am
Find the Light
The deal we get dealt
Can be heart felt.
It can change our lives,
Create nose dives.
The way we face our pain,
Is not for personal gain.
It steals our health,
Affects our wealth.
It breaks our spirit,
Pushes us to our limit.
When we walk in the darkness,
It’s hard to raise awareness.
We may feel alone,
Lost in a friend zone.
Feeling judged,
Tears s...
Sunday 29th September 2019 9:41 pm
Poem from One of Our New Collections
Less Than a Second
Less than a second
is the time it takes to fall in love.
That summer night
you walked out of the bright house
on to the dark deck
ready for the next day's wedding,
already celebrating every damn thing
anyone could think of,
laughter floating out of your pores
Friday 15th February 2019 8:40 pm
Real Life
She lies awake at night,
eyes wired,
frantically reading
anything, anything,
to not think about it,
to patch up the cracks,
sew up the seams,
stuff the holes with cushions
made of trash TV and Facebook,
while the mould seeps
down the bedroom wall,
letters lie ignored
re: default sum unpaid,
So sick, sick
of hospital appointments,
waiting in ...
Thursday 24th May 2018 6:03 pm
Psychological dome
Forcing passers by
Curious for peep stand,
Swelling a throng
By every square
Or a roadside
Using his right leg
A nimble right hand
With the other holding
The artefact items hard
A hand-less man
Makes attractive tables
and stools
Hammering nails
And cutting woods
The way the task demand,
A task ,many normal people
Imagine, to handle hard.
Those ...
Wednesday 8th November 2017 7:09 am
Colors Of Public Assistance
Is the color
Of power.
You can see this:
Office buildings are grey.
Cubicles are grey.
Money, two letters off.
White is the color of peace,
And hope,
And the color of the linoleum
Where they take pieces of you
And put it on a card.
Is the faces
Of most I see.
It's interesting how color
Affects so much.
Their smiles.
The screen,
The air.
I think,
Wednesday 4th January 2017 6:29 pm
Department of Social and Health Services
Sitting in a plastic chair,
Waiting for a person
To tell me
If I can afford
This month
How did I
Get here?
I had dreams.
I had goals.
And so did
Everyone in this room.
The wait
The screams of bored children
Pop my peace
And I wonder
It's a simple enough question.
Why me?
Why here?
Why now?
I suppose.
His laughter feels
Like nails
Pounded into nails...
Wednesday 4th January 2017 6:27 pm
Disability Timeline pt. 2
War is waged
With soldiers
But mostly money.
Isn't that
What old men
With both
I fight the World War of my life,
And yet,
And Yet.
I see neither approach
On the horizon
And I wonder
How long
I'll keep looking.
Your promises mean nothing,
Because that
Is what I've got
To show for them.
I implore,
Don't get my hopes up
Again this time.
Say "no" if you want.
Wednesday 4th January 2017 6:26 pm
Disability Timeline pt. 1
Ask for help,
They say
With quiet judgmental rebuke
So I ask
And then I plead
And deafness
Greets his friend
Means tomorrow.
Next week.
I have yet to see
"Within the year"
And it's been Two.
Each letter,
A careful trapeze,
Am I too sick?
Not sick enough?
The war waged on
In my body.
They promised me
"Within the year."
Wednesday 4th January 2017 6:22 pm
A Walking Man Never Understands
They say, to pull yourself up by your bootstraps , but if they knew, I can’t stand or that my leg’s are wobbly and weak. Do you think, they’d be telling me to get off my knee’s, to stand on my own two feet? Not to set on my hand’s but to really rise, and stand to use my feet? Really man, get a grip. I use a walker or a stick.
Thursday 14th May 2015 7:57 pm
He had a disability
and didn’t mind that you knew it,
tumbling around on callipers -
his attitude was ‘screw it’!
Spasticus Autisticus -
an anthem for the broken.
Poet, musician, human being,
not some crippled token.
A war cry in this normal land
for those who were disabled
and through their bloody mindedness
became the walking, talking, enabled.
He hit us with a rhythm st...
Monday 6th October 2014 10:27 pm
What worlds turn behind your almond eyes, that ready smile,
that childish innocence that lingers long when you are gone?
I feel your warmth through chubby hands and stubby fingers
of a child. You will not make old bones in this cold life
of sticks and stones and superstitious fears. Some careless god
cut short your years; played blackjack with your chromosomes
in a game that ...
Friday 7th August 2009 6:30 pm
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