determination (Remove filter)
No Matter
How many times must a man come to grips
with all of the troubles in life,
where voyages tend to become sunken ships
and seems every path leads to strife?
How often must he try, despite what he sees,
a battle that’s too big to win?
Where forces are meant to bring him to his knees
and make him start over again.
How many times when rock bottom he’s reached
and no ...
Saturday 9th March 2024 3:08 pm
70 Times 7
Unto what shall I liken my struggle filled walk in life?
Unto a breath without air, gasping and grasping
for that which I can clearly see and ever try to be,
but like unto the shining stars of heaven’s glory above -
lies as it would seem high above my reach.
Yet my hands are stretched heavenward.
Unto what shall I compare the hope which I have for change?
To the li...
Monday 4th March 2024 4:07 pm
I tried today and failed again.
I’ve tried so long I don’t know when
it ever went the way of which I planned.
I’ve given up on wondering why.
I’ve learned it doesn’t help to cry,
nor does it pay to try and understand.
But each time that I stumbling fall,
I rise with my back ‘gainst the wall
resolved to bury disappointment’s ire.
“Get up, keep going everyda...
Friday 23rd February 2024 1:33 am
Purpose & Desire
Nothing can stop the unquenchable fire,
fed by the flame of the deepest desire.
Born of a purpose, intent that is true
in the one who's determined to do what they do.
One who believes it can always be done.
One who won't quit till the battle is won.
One who gets up every time that they fall.
One who dreams big, regardless how small
they may seem in this ...
Thursday 15th February 2024 12:37 am
Lessons From A Wandering Sun
Below these clouds I wonder when I'm going to see the sun again.
I heard a rumour it might not be there... anymore.
But come the rain, and come the wind...
Come storm, come thunder, come lightning...
Come every single shoddy thing the world can throw…
They'll find me no downtrodden sod,
No trembling leaf, no breaking clod,
For I, and the wandering sun, do not so quickly pass.
Sunday 24th January 2021 1:23 am
Not Not Not
Life may not be perfect
But sadness isn’t worth it,
And no matter how bad it gets,
Or whatever the world may expect
I’m not done hoping yet.
I could weep, I could cry
But what would that buy?
Another moment of misery?
Or instead I could smile
And then at least I’d be lifted.
And life may not be great
But happiness shouldn’t wait
So no matter what
I’ll enjoy what I’ve got
I’m not ...
Sunday 29th November 2020 6:29 pm
(Promise) Land Ahoy
Lost in a sea of thoughts salty with fears
Her arrid eyes void of tears
Adrift, aimless she sailed for years
A tattered raft of determination her only support
On the horizon utopia beckoning
An obliging port
A siren's song, haunting, promising sanctuary
Pulling her in with its ethereal melody
Taunting her hope's
Teasing her dreams
Promising the actuality of possibilities
Thursday 24th September 2020 2:40 am
Still cool
I'm still cool,
torn by destiny
that made me blue.
Why to pain,
and for whom,
when it isn't a worthy tool.
Time cut me
into pieces immeasurable,
and I rose like a toddler,
I still rose,
each time, with a power
of a thousand phoenixes.
Tuesday 2nd June 2020 4:54 pm
Sitting in the exam hall,
mind bogged ;
with ratios, equations and curves,
I looked around in agony
to find a reason to continue,
just in time,
to find the invigilator roaming nearby,
carrying a stack of paper, with one hand.
I looked at him to find traces of,
misery, anger and hopelessness.
a kind, encouraging smile
is what I got.
Which alone was enough
to ge...
Thursday 23rd May 2019 4:54 pm
I, Capricorn
Don't try to stop me
You can't and I won't
Stopping at nothing
I'll get what I want
Failure is not an option
That I choose to accept
You cannot deter me
While I still have breath
My vision is clear
My desires are true
Unwavering passion
Will guide me through
Stopping at nothing
I'll get what I want
Don't try to stop me
You can't and I won't
I will ...
Sunday 17th March 2019 12:19 am
Battle Cry
You think you rule this whole damn town
But I can tell you for sure, I'm stealing the crown
You may have won before, but I won't back down
I deserve to finally be free now.
You walk with attitude, like women in heeled shoes
But it doesn't take a genius to know you haven't got a clue
You fought well though, so don't feel blue
When you see the tables turning, against you.
You think you r...
Saturday 11th August 2018 10:41 pm
Sadness Slain
Sadness Slain
Endurance is salvation’s gift,
To help your inner spirits lift,
Don’t let fear blockade the door,
Have the ambition to explore,
Defeat is something to toughen your skin,
Keep on fighting and you will win,
To overcome with great speed,
Neptune’s fury you shall need,
With power and dominance in the mix,
Let temperance hold your mortal wish,
Thursday 23rd June 2016 4:51 pm
"You'll be safe, I promise", reassured his mum.
“But its not you who’ll end up sat on your bum!”
A conversation they’d had most every week
but it didn’t make his knees feel any less weak.
“Now come along, Harry, stop messing about,
go finish your homework whilst I clean up this house.
The show doesn’t start till the end of the week
and all this chatter is making me Squeak...
Tuesday 19th May 2015 10:56 pm
Kept convincing myself
end would turn out fine
Fazed but withstanding
implore for a visible sign
Trudge turned Incessant
with reserves at very last
Stretched to the optimum
leaving me plainly aghast
Events turned divergent
expectations got belied
Means while just perfect
but to end never applied
Resolve nearly exhausted
on p...
Thursday 18th September 2014 9:51 am
The Slow Boy
The teachers told him not to dream too big,
That his talents lay somewhere other than Arithmetic,
That English would never be so kind,
As to reveal its secrets to his young mind,
That History was better served,
By someone who could steer its curves,
That Science was a distant star,
So he shouldn't try to reach too far.
Maybe because he was so slow,
He didn't listen to them blow,
But to...
Friday 27th June 2014 8:08 am
A narrative poetic thought.
Tuesday 18th June 2013 10:10 am
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