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Flyntland on CORRA
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Flyntland on CORRA
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Flyntland on CORRA
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Hélène on not to the swift
1 hour ago

Hélène on CORRA
2 hours ago

David RL Moore on Of sorrowful songs there is no fear
6 hours ago

David RL Moore on CORRA
6 hours ago

David RL Moore on Tits
6 hours ago

Mike McPeek on not to the swift
14 hours ago

Graham Sherwood on Tits
16 hours ago

Love behind a lamp

He went to the store

And he bought me

a dinosaur lamp


He gave it to me

and he said

"it made me think of you" 


I have a dinosaur 

a dinosaur lamp

He knows i love them



that's love to me

that's all i need.


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lovecoupledinosaursThoughtfulgiftpresenthappycontentinlovethe little things

Live Each Day As The Last


God presented me with a gift,

I looked at it and was surprised.

This item I couldn't manage to lift

Before I could anything realize.



Early in the morning, I made my plans.

But vanity decided to break intention.

My hopes went away with the vans.

And the prices they didn't mention.



I was quick at twenty, thirty, and so on.

I did not see the false o...

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Know You Better

Know You Better



I know you will be there at the agreed date and time.


I open my screen and there you are;

no excuses, not late, nor disinterested, never vague,

rather switched on, involved, intense, passionate, reflective, attentive.


Called to the stand I find a voice.


You listen quietly as I speak the unspoken.

Kindly, you allow me to continue


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A Bracelet Of Daisies

A Bracelet Of Daisies


She made me a daisy bracelet

And twisted the stems round my wrist

We swore we would never forget

the sun slowly set as we kissed

And for a short while that was true

love blossomed like that daisy chain

but those white petals never grew

the green shoots were twisted in pain


It hurts when you’re given a heart

that unnourished withers and ...

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napowrimo2020day20daisy chaingiftloveheartbreaklost loveshakespearean sonnet

The choice 

Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”) 

Who, in the World, chooses his birth? 
Who chooses his family and children? 
Who chooses his fate and country? 
Who chooses the time to go to heaven? 

But it is possible to choose our day 
To sincerely care about family and work 
This will be the first right step to our future 
To achieve our goals while we're alive 

Your name and countr...

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No Voice

Without a voice
I am left here in this world
to forever be silent.
Because as I try to speak,
my voice vanishes so quickly,
so that I'm left here unspoken
with no one to hear what I have to say.
And for someone to apprehend
my words I speak, with my unheard voice,
would be such a miracle I can't explain.

But even though I have no physical voice
I have a language of my own I write.
A ...

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no voicephysicalsilentforever silentsoulgiftlanguage of my own

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