The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

freedom (Remove filter)

Life Comes To This

Love is flowing down these blood-washed streets.
We are not done.
You put us out yet cannot put us out.
You have not won.

Hate hopes to overpower
Yet is weak
For Freedom's spirit cannot be contained
By anything.

We are not crushed nor wilted
Nor alone
We are not bowed nor beaten
Nor undone

Listen, for we still are brave to speak
Words will be waged
Look, for we still carry our ...

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California or bust. 

Cruising the Mother Road, 
guided by Arizona skies. 

Soaring with the Eagles, 
ZZ Top, and Dr. Hook.

Laughing with hitchhikers,
like long-lost friends.

Waving out the window,
to Albuquerque wind.

Strawberry wine, french kisses,
love on the horizon.

Smell of freedom, 
between dust and rain.

Young, daring, 

Life never felt so Grand,

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Who Am I and Where Do I Belong?

Who Am I? And where do I belong?

Where do I go right? Where did I go wrong?

Was it real or fake love I was shown all along?

Am I really that mentally tough & strong?

If I fail, Will I momentairly freeze or stay froze?

Will I dig up a pile of dirt in my back yard & find a bunch of diamonds & gold?

Or am I to die a failure, lonely, & old?

This the type of mindset the old me was ...

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real lifeBelongingSelf-discoveryDepressionExploringAdventure'Wisdom'Couragepoemanxietyfreedomlifepower

Over Corona

We've had such a long time with this Covid-19,
The greatest pandemic that there's ever been.
With huge numbers infected and some having died,
To stop this virus we have all certainly tried.

Now it seems that we may now have a solution,
As vaccines are prepared with mass distribution.
While we all had to live in this dreadful reality,
Can we at last now return to normality?

When all vac...

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Corona VirusCovid19FreedomStuart Vanner

Withered The Storm

You were this horrible dark cloud
That came rushing in
disguised as the sunshine
Just with a slight dim
You spread Ray's of lies all over me
Washing me with a fairytale
That would soon end  tragically
When the truth was discovered
You began to thunder loudly
Making rippling BOOMS
That shook my entire body
You may have rainbows on you
But your not my pot of gold
Having issues standing

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The sounds of the ocean waves crashing as if they were  talking to me saying , " Breathe, be free."

The sound of the wind whispering in my ear, break your chains, run, run,run, don't you dare look back

My eyes closed, my heart beating fast, wondering when will the world stop spinning round and round

When will my light be free to shine

When will my soul be freed  from yours

When will...

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Our Covid

All Great Britain has now seen
How dreadful is Covid-19.
While it is hard to make predictions,
We hate all these dismal restrictions.

Has Nottingham reason to be in fear
Now it is placed upon the second tier?
For its people what shall this mean,
As we envisage this depressing scene?

While our politicians fight their wars,
Recall us being long cooped up indoors.
So many people do not ...

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Corona VirusCovid 19FreedomNottinghamStuart Vanner


The Black voice is electrifying.


Bringing forth worlds never imagined,

From dominions in Africa to mystical spheres unheard of.

Telling tales of majestic beings, kings, queens and the simple Black girl next door.


The Black voice. Telling Black stories.


We need Black literature because it shows

That our stories matter.

That our histories are worth sharing.


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Black Historyblack history month and cultural diversitypoempoetryblack lives matterlifehopefreedom

"The Soul of Freedom"




"The Soul of Freedom"


The morning on our creation day

Had the charming face of a young cheetah

But ran in the pace of a snail.


Who would have known that the trophy of independence

That we fell over eachother in celebration of

Will tighten again the locks of slavery yet the more?


We cried of faces white as the moon

But not anymore, not anymo...

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a gull or an angle

a gull or an angel


watching a gull

catch an up current of air

higher and higher
until it was so small 
I could not see it

maybe it was an
angel returning home

or a gull who was
seeking freedom

wonder if gull knows

kris kristofferson’s

poem line

“freedoms just another

word for nothing left to lose”

or knows jonathan l. seagul

who loved to fly

was a ...

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In Waves

That phrase,
That phrase you love to say
It has become overdone, cliché
No, it’s not a phase
Years, not days
And see
I will not change
Not this way or that way
Though I may grow,
I may expand in waves,
I will not change
To fit your phrase
I will only expand,
Expand in waves
Is that okay?
That I will stay?
That I won’t change?
That I can only expand,
Expand in waves?
Is th...

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acceptbisexualchangeempowergaygrowidentitylearnlesbianlgbtqtake spacefreedomselfownpansexualqueersexualitywaves

How free are we?

How free, flows the raging river

How free, float the clouds

How free, sways the luscious grass

How free, stand trees so proud


How free, swirls the playful wind

How free, tides ebb and flow

How free, the sunlight bathes the earth

How free, wild flowers grow


How free, the stars prick night with gold

How free, the moon that shimmers

How free, roam creatures of ...

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Cutting the Strings

What I am is wrong,
This is not me,
The entire sum of my life has led me to this fact,
I cannot be who I was, nor who I am,
Not even who I am trying to be,

The end is but a heartbeat away,
And there it will begin,
Life lived as a puppet,
Is life ruled by the puppeteer,

Cut the strings,

To fall to the ground by your own hand,
And then rise of your own accord,
Is what I long for,


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The evening lights are bright, 

The car has come to a stop,

The colors are different this time,

Shades of orange, white and green,

A quick flash, oh I held onto it,

A memory making its way through, 

A sweet stolen reminiscence.


 School walls adorned in colors, 

Merry of White uniforms, 

Green bands, Orange ribbons,

A paper flag pinned to my chest,

Flying high,...

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My anklets fill the air with resounding laughs 

As I scuttle between tall blades of grass.

I feel free 

Like I'm the breeze.

A yearning dream

Lounges among the clouds.

Her hand caresses my cheek,

I feel safe and sound.

Did I tell you that I feel free?

Free from the restraint of a rhyme scheme;

Free from structure;

Free from obsessions

Like a speck of dust on a t...

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Freedom is a common term

it’s often said but seldom seen

the idea is easy to get

but hard to grasp

that’s what it’s all about


if you reach for it

you will never get close

accept the fact that you can’t catch it

the hurrier you go

the more you get left behind


it was always right here

it ain’t hard to find

somewhere between the boundaries of life

and ...

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freedomfearlimited view


The leaves of the tree

Behind the house of glass are falling

With each step of the wind

They liberate themselves from the branches

From the complexity of the connections

Connection of the root with the trunk

Of the trunk with the branches

Of the branches with the leaves

The leaves liberated themselves

From the connections

From the dependence


The leaves of the ...

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independenceLifeRealrunawaypoemstrongindependentbeautifulfreedomfreepoetrynaturecontrailsskywomanbreakfreehappyliberatedconnectionsismy lifebestbeyourselfselflove


I’m on a level of being

Where I know the direction I’m following

Where I know I’ll be fine, even if I’m alone

Where I’m aware of my worth

Where I know I’m strong enough

Where I’m aware of my strengths

Where I’m brave enough to walk all alone


I have freed myself from the chains

From the judgments

From the council of hate

From the bars of anxiety


I have unc...

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I was in the arctic.
Those frozen forests of Alaska.
North of Fairbanks,
in the wild Yukon.


It was night,
and the moon shown,
on the white, bright snow.
Everything had a light, blue glow.


It was cold,
minus 60 degrees,
and I prayed to God,
for a sign to go.


I needed a change,
a new life, away
to go. A way to escape,
the life I was in.


I no longer cared.

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spoken wordSpiritfreedom

I Don't Miss You

I don't miss you...not really.

I don't even want you...not really.

My empty heart is full of anger and regret, an infection that needs to be detoxed from inside me.

I can feel the grip of what could have been dissolving with every sip of self affirmation and every caplet of affection I imbibe. 

I lick my wounds and feel the poison of jealousy and the sting of my injured pride slowly fa...

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Freedomhappinessrecoveryself care

The Cost Of Your Hand

I awake on a bed of roses, 

Whose petals crunch like orphaned autumn leaves.

A ray of sunlight towards me approaches,

Dancing in the light are muddy speckles aplenty.


​I can feel the air around me toy with my locks,

Which is as feeble as your grasp on my hand.

But I hold on

To you, this very second, this very moment.


The mere sight of you sugarcoats my disill...

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Once I saw a dream
Of living in an open air
Full of freedom with colorful layer.
Having a sight to achieve a height
There comes a lover of a face with smile.
Never said, never asked a question
Simple sight made all the decisions.
Believing the person, giving up everything,
My life was trapped like anything.

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trappedcagedreamfreedomsly persontrustdistrustlifegoal


Comment supprimer ce verrou

Qui emprisonne mes pensées? 

Qui empêche aussi bien 

Mes sensations que mes sentiments 

De s'exprimer. 

Une tempête se prépare!

N'entendez-vous pas le tonnerre gronder? 

La pluie battre les carreaux et les éclaires déchirer le ciel? 

Cette tempête pourrait éclater à tout moment, tout emporter, tout détruire. 

Mais peut-être est-ce ce que j’att...

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Ink Spots

Suffering in silence is second nature
for people wrapped in hated skin;
your life under constant siege because
you are a scourge on sight;

a blight in expensive sneakers,
a member of a caste unworthy
of empathy but if you can
somehow Dinesh D’Souza
your way through existence,
everything will be fine.

The Stanford Prison Experiment
was a glimpse of human savagery
put into a uniform;

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Freedom At Last

Freedom At Last


Flames raged in the cornfields around it,

Bobbing there in stagnant waters

Tethered to a solid mooring post

With a thick, coarse rope.


Each spark from the furnace

A risk to its rotting timbers

As it took hold and smouldered

And smoked and spread


Oars crossed and laid on its floor

And the spattered markings of crows

Bleaching spots of ...

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napowrimo 2018day 4fishing boatfreedomconcrete nounreleasecovid-19lockdown metaphor

Unholy Boss

Unholy Boss

It was during the Pandemic of 2020,
when I heard a boss chewing out a worker.
“You’ve been coming in late…Lately”
“You check your phone too much, buddy”
“You drag your feet too much, after lunch.”
“You take too long when you get the stuff.”
“Your attitude has been terrible, man.”
“And that’s why I have to make rules for everyone.”

He says this while working during a shut d...

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Spoken Word poetrysocial justiceworking class menfreedom

2020 Spring

Poetry, written by Ali Taha Alnobani


A metallic alien object with plastic gaze

Without emotions, and no feelings

It holds tapered forceps and a magnifying glass

It runs on the empty street

Like a spooky ghost

Like an absurd robot

His eyes are round, red

His nose is crunchy squared

And his voice is like air when it comes from the hole of a sick object


Now h...

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Corona virusDeath by Virusreal life storiesdream of freedomfreedom anywherefreedomspeakopendoors

House of Giants

House of Giants


Through houses of Giants,
we crawl on our knees.

We slave for our feed,
and all of our need.

They have framed our life,
till the day we die

Through their house, we fly,
work, and drive.

Their bones corrupt us,
surround us, and stink.

Every word is no.
Every sign is stop.
Everything is wait.
I’m gonna escape.

I will find a way.
I will be free.


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freedomSpoken Word poetryconspiracytruthgreeddestruction

Conspiracy Theorist

Conspiracy Theorist

I am a Conspiracy Theorist.
I can’t help it.
Maybe it’s genetic.
Maybe I learned it;
when those I trusted  lied.
When those who should know,
When they just told me,
what they were told,
to tell me.
When they say, “Because I said so.”

Maybe I’m a rebel.
Maybe you are too.
I see things, that don’t add up.
I hear things, that don’t match.
I have a funny...

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Conspiracy Theoriesfreedomrebellion

Days of Old

Days of Old

I remember the days of old,
when I crossed the fields alone.
When I ran the forests;
when I ran the trails,
in those days of youth,
in those days of sun.

I remember the color of life.
Everything seemed different.
There was a brightness to the light;
a shine, to everything.

I remember hopping those fences.
Going to those hidden places,
to see what I could see.
Those ...

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FreedomHappy placeMysticalRememberSpirit

Luminescent Humanity

Every tragedy leaves behind 

a trail of tears and

luminescent humanity. 


Rona is here to teach us 

life is fleeting. 

Live in the moment, 

don’t wallow in misery. 


Celebrate the little things,

smiles, high fives, sunny days...


Dance, sing, be free,

alone in your room, 

on rooftops, balconies, 

wherever your spirit leads.

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I Hate Lying

I Hate Lying


I hate lying;
it’s a weakness.
It shows a truth;
that others rule me.

If I have to lie;
it’s to avoid pain,
discomfort, and shame.
To make you feel good.

Slaves lie to the boss;
to save their lifeline.
But, to hell with him,
and his profit.

I live my life,
to never lie.
My freedom dies,
under your rules.

If I must lie,
you won’t be near.
I love to be ...

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Spoken Word poetryfreedomtruth

The flower in my hand

I hold this flower
In my hand.
Yellow and perfect.
Like European star.
Like my heart
Is bound to this place.
My ear used to different languages,
My nose used to all these smells,
Smells of freedom.
In a continent of so many colours,
Blossoming friendships
And beautiful memories.
I keep this flower alive
As long as I can.
I know it will die
Like the freedom
That leaves us.



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EuropeEU bordershomesadfreedomflowerdiversitytravelling

The end of the world

This is the end of the world we knew. 

Not only my country's borders are closed and those of many others, the whole European borders are closed. Goodbye freedom.

The death day of Europe

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EuropeEUbordersclosedfreedomdeath day


Please share, like, take your own protest selfie with a poster about our freedom and, freedom of movement. It's important that we fight for it, it's actually in danger. 


Please sign my petition for the freedom of movement. Our rights are in danger now, the EU borders are closed since 16th March 2020

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bordersEUEuropefreedomfreedom of movementopen ordersprotest





So many words

So many words

So many words

Words of threat

Words of bullying

Words of thoughtlessness

Words can crush any potential





So many words

So many words

So many words

Words of encouragement

Words of support

Words to lend a Loving hand           

Words can move any mountain


Taken from poe...

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I Forgot

I Forgot

I forgot how much I loved to write

I forgot how much I love me

I forgot how much it hurt to be alone

Yet, to know that you are free

I forgot how much I love to sing

To feel the warm sun on my skin

I forgot to be me

I forgot how to smile

But today that all changed

Today I remembered...

I remembered it no longer us

It's no longer you and me

Now its me!


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The Busy Fool

From poetry album A Healing For Gaia

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