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Gone Tomorrow

An exciting toy is handed down

With the joy of connection, not a scowl

A toy to tinker through the bordem

To call and text in the doldrums


Time stands still in the classroom

Not learning or thinking as you'd assume

But waiting for that buzz

The vibrate of a 'like' to discuss


Parents reaching out because they can

Speaking fluently through this tin-can


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internetdark webphone useeducationschoolboygirlgovernment.

In Bloom.

The past reverberates through me in the present

stains my clothes pungent.

At fifteen, a boy stole the solace of the dark from me

in his bed

with his hands.

Now when he touches me,

he must keep the lights on.


In sleep the past has me,

travels upwards, claws at my throat

and I cry out

for the dark to let me in.


At twenty, the boy who stole the solace of my...

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Under the Sun , I Was a Good Boy

Under the sun I was a good boy

I never did wrong.

The trees were very giving

As I climbed

The highest branch


Under the sun , I was a good boy

Who never did wrong


The light would stay

Till I was too tired

To kick a ball


But at home, I was bad  boy

Who always did wrong.

The dark spelt




The light broke way 

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boyChildhood memories

scary night sounds

scary night sounds



he hears the night woods

soft sounds as well as scary


different from day woods


he lies in his cold bed

in cold room

hears frozen trees

grinding against each other

in the cold night wind

a hard unpleasant sound


hears distant sounds

far away in the hills

is it the sound of a wolf

or a coyote seeking a mate



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summer nights 1950s

summer nights 1950s


curtains hang lifeless

awaiting breeze that does not come

whippoorwill sings 

hot and sweaty song 

it doesn’t feel like singing


boy hears whistle’s blast 

of a night train 

slowly crawling its way

through the country side

breaking the silence at each crossing


ambulance sirens scream

through hot night air

transporting wounded


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boycountryhot nightsimpotentsouth

afraid of the dark


afraid of the dark


afraid of the dark

but only at night


brave during

the light of day


very brave


afraid of nothing

except a nest of

ground hornets

or poison ivy


at night he would


run in the dark


always afraid of

what was following


never thinking

about what might

be ahead


he did not want

anyone t...

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A Bell and a Boy

There's a big iron bell on the roof of the barn
that is used to call men from wherever they are:
from the fields, from mending the fences
from tending the cows in distant pastures.

There's a boy who likes adventure,
to find interesting places and things.
He likes to explore different places alone,
to go wherever he will near home.

Call him home from the forest, farm bell.
Call him bac...

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Dream Boat

Let the dreamless boy to cry 
If his wish to fly has gone 
How his tears going to dry 
If he stays far of sun

Ask dreamless boy be awake 
That the dream, is a part of us 
Tell him: "think of a better talk" 
And to change the dark glass 

Help dreamless boy to be here 
And clear his negative thought 
Once he comes to hear or share 
He will enjoy to dream in a boat 

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ask awakebetterboychangeclearcomecrydreamdreamlessdryenjoyflyglassgogonehelpherenegativepartsailsharestaysuntalktearstellthinkthoughtwith


Temporary wounds did form,

Above the ones I had ignored.

And the thoughts you had bestowed in me,

Are nothing but a memory.


Where you were weak, he is so fierce,

And where you lack, he comes in first.

The boy I thought I craved before,

Is nothing but a closing door.

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