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God Rays

Staring too long into the looking glass,

trying to predict the future and

make sense of the past.

Time goes by lightning fast. 

Poetry sets the cast.

Call it dreaming...

cloud surfing,

cartwheels on high wires,

living, laughing, loving

singing, no regrets.

Drink every drop of life,

before God rays 

absorb the wake

and your soul sails

into moonlight.

# #...

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The Truth Is Sadness

Decorated lives
shuffling onwards
towards inevitable darkness
we cloak ourselves
in the hood of love
cover the cage
deny the sky above
the truth is sadness

Tiny movements
helpless gestures
elliptical orbits
around the heart of happiness
an argument
with a river
convinced of our control
tilting the rudder
towards hope
the truth is sadness

Fold the patterned sheet
around your ...

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Savaged Soul

If I knew your poetry would suddenly 
I would have memorized 
every poem,
to comfort me
when I feel alone. 
Your words help heal 
my savaged soul.
I'm sad you had to go.

# # #

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Ride Twice

As a child, racing past the height post
eager to ride the roller coaster
there were those who'd jostle in the queue
to sit at the very front
with an uninterrupted view of what was coming
no obstruction to the beauty
of the madness
afforded by that ride
to see it all and see it first
filling up their eyes

And there were those of us who’d choose the back seats
secretly knowing that was ...

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Blank Page

Your life is
a blank page
to write upon.

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Arrogance Immunity

Here comes arrogance again,

slipping into our conversation

like bacteria on a sneeze,

threatening to strangle

my humble light of being.

The challenge is to continue talking,

without letting it infect me.

My soul gives yours a wink,

understanding that compassion

is the antibody. 

# # #

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The Road not taken/By Robert Frost/Translation into Amharic By Alem Hailu G/Kristosየተተወው መንገድ


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that...

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Walking With My Son

I walk with my little son
He would follow me to the edges of the galaxy
Just to tell me his story of his love for reality.

He waits for my return
Then tells me he misses me
With a smile, a cuddle and kiss that reminds me he’s here in this world.

He gives me tasks to do
While playing in the evening
Then I read him a story
Way past bedtime.

We walk in the morning
While he points out...

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Go Fish

Look at you go girl.

Swimming in our veins,

straight to the soul. 

No sweet lullabies 

or sugar-coated lies.

Wielding words of a survivor, 

who has been around the block a time or two. 

No one is getting anything over on you. 

You have mastered

the blues, 

turned pain into power,

helping us forget 

our worries by the hour.

Go Fish!

Making dreams

more th...

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bluesdreamslifeMusicrelationshipsSamantha Fishsuccess

God bless the dead


Dont worry my brothers,

Save a spot for me cus I'll see you soon.

These thoughts and memories,

The dreams that consume.


Had me thinking on life, feel choked till I can't breathe.

Losing my people, blinded me to the better things in life I couldn't see.

Losing these people brought tremendous amounts of pain.

Moving on in life, till my heart froze and changed.



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The Wolf and Moon

A lone wolf walks amongst the highest peak.

See's the life of a bright beautiful moon.

The wolf stares in awe and howls, till the lungs feel weak

But notices the moon doesn't move.


He howls louder yet theres no change.

So he tries to climb higher so he can see.

He howls once more.

Mesmerised by a beauty that's so free.


The next night comes, in awe he howls again.


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My lessons

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Visions of the future,
Dreams of reality,
Our plane of existence,
Relies on duality,
The controllers of this world,
A separate ruling class,
I see through their bullshit,
The language of the looking glass,
Symbols and language,
Are the key to understanding,
The lies and deceptions,
And the trauma-based programming,
Rhetoric and satire,
The weapons of the wizard,
Words truly are magic...

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deceptiondoublespeaklaunguagelieslifeprogrammingrhetoricspeaking truththe ruling classthe worldtruthWizard killerWizardsword magicwords

Good Days

God bless the good days.
Days a smile is no stranger to your face. 
Days your favorite songs play, and you sing along. 
Days faith is restored in humanity. 
Days sunshine and fresh air makes life seem fair.
Days you feel the gentle touch of love. 

Good days will see you through tough days, 
down days,
diseased days,
bitter days that never seem to end, 
days you have no friends, 
days ...

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Each day gets darker than the last few decades of days.

Each day's gloom makes me turn like in a grave 

And so does the thought of a moment in another day.

Each day brings me closer to a grave 

I can literally feel the drag.

A sick man lives on.


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lifesickman. strugglepain. disappointment

Vita hominum flos est


Inscribed on Emanuel Sweert's painting 'Florilegium': Man's life is a flower.

Like a flower, he comes forth, then withers away; 
like a fleeting shadow, he does not endure.
Book of Job 14:2


While I watched, her blossom

faded from the field

left no shadow


Now all life expects in this eleventh hour

we should revere lost heroes with a flower


But I shall not ...

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Cactus Kisses

Cactus kisses 

butterfly wishes

life is a sink full 

of dirty dishes 

waiting to be 

scrubbed clean

to serve 

love on a plate. 

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Willpower and Discipline

Willpower and discipline,
have long been two of the 
most despised words in the 
english language to me.

What character flaw prevents  
the willpower and discipline
necessary to be the person
I imagine myself capable of being?

A half-lived life is heartbreaking.
There is no acceptable excuse, 
not age or disability.

Even people with no limbs 
live empowered lives 
built on willp...

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disabilitydisciplineempowermentfriendsheartbreaklifeloneliness. regretpoemspoetryreflectionrelationshipsweaknesswillpower

Some times

Some times

I wanna' be gone
absolutely MIA
no longer here

when it feels right
to just leave the planet
for un-mind/body ventures

This may be where fear
pops up
in the minds of others

"Leave the planet?"
"Are you talking about . . .?"
"Ohhh God, I'm not goin' there."

We call it 'the circle of life'.
Perennials live, die and live again
so why just applaud life?

The stagec...

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While the world
goes about their day
talking about trival things, 
laughing their troubles away,
I am struck with 
paralyzing pain
that I try to contain. 

Everyone close to me 
is oblivious 
to my suffering.

Why should they care?
They have their own 
drama to deal with.
There is nothing 
anyone can do anyway. 

Meanwhile, my body
betrays me more 
each passing day.

I want t...

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Dark Lullaby

As this first night knows me

as my soul becomes its dream

I understand my small being

is one with time's vast scream.

Even now I know between

my heart's first aspen flutter

and its last soft ashen beat

endless dark passions must clutter

my every empty lonely night

and bear down to hold my mind;

only this one moment knows a calm:  

a velvet dark - a fusty smell - fi...

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Do you ever want to 
hold on to a moment 
because it feels divine?

A moment when the stars align, 
and everything is fine. 

A moment when you make peace 
with your past, and your pain. 

A moment when there is 
no sorrow, no shame.

A moment when fear
takes a hike.

A moment when the sky is clear, 
the air is forgiving,
and sun shines bright. 

A moment when everything 

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Living like we're Invincible

Convinced that the inevitable

Will Never Happen

To Us

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(From "Pieces of Me")



You can be anything you want, they said

Throwing falsehoods at her

Freedoms of youth

With a path yet unlived

Not even written yet


But when she tried to follow her dreams

They said slow down

Time is on your side

And knowledge only comes with age

You’ll learn


And she did learn

That time is against us all


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follow dreamslife

Snakes & Ladders

Sometimes life is like playing a board game...

It gets so mundane

When each day

Seems the 


In this

Bored game

You play

Couldn't stay long

On the square

You were on

Kept sliding away

At the edge

Waits a


And he's ready

To take

You astray

But battle's 

Not finished

You can

Still win this

So in the game

You'll stay


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What Have You Done With The Daylight?

What have you done with the daylight?
What have you done 
with all you’d waited for, so patiently
those long days of nothing
those long days of stumbling lost
between the armchair and the fridge
What have you done with the daylight?

What have you done with the daylight?
Since it came to you completely
painted so beautifully
smiling down and sunny
licking the edges of your everything

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happinesslifemaking the most of lifedaylight


When the birds take back their language,

when the trees unloose

their tenderly hands from around you,

when the air doesn't breathe

and the seas are tearing,

when the flowers whisper:

No, you own nothing,

then remember:

You're visitor,

honoring the hospitality.

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mother naturebeautylifeheartstillnesspeacefulfriendshippoetrywisdomphilosophypoems on spiritualitymetaphysics


And one day,

the sun stopped,

the rain stopped falling,

the flowers didn't look high,

the sky emptied of stars,

then a tear dripped

from the heart and became our breath.

We need a sacred tear,

before the fall...

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lovefeelingsFrom the heartinner beautynaturewisdomspiritualpoetrypoemphilosophyconsciousnesslifelightstillness

Listless Life

My listless life just drifts on by
Like the clouds that float up high
All is still. I see nothing move.
And of all things I disapprove.

And so turn thy wheel. Let life be good.
Then let us all be understood
Let the Sun now break through.
Let this golden globe echo my life's view.

Take me from this world of trouble
Prick and pop this secret bubble
And through the tears of heaven let m...

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LifePhilosophyStuart Vanner

Interpretive Dance

go away.

I only want young, thin, pretty girls 
to look my way.

I don't care if they have anything 
intelligent to say.

I just want them to ooh and awe 
at my game. 

Of course I have no shame,
my past is to blame.

Yes, this dance could drive  
the thinker insane.

So, leave with your dignity,
while I toss back another one, 
and twirl my ring. 

# # #


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dancedignityshamerespectdiscriminationlifelovemisogynynarcissismrelationshipsthe past

My Prescription

Too seriously; I tend in my journey
too easy to focus on the duty
the facts of what’s in hand
the doing of a thing

So precious to see the nonsense
appreciate the humour
the madness
in everything you’re tasked with
by this modern world

So freeing to have a sense of silliness
draw a cock and balls on your mortgage application
scribble a cape and tights across the undertaker’s pamphlet


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prismatic beings

legs crossed i lay, deep in prayer

as i enter her domicile pyramid prism with a rainbow flash

headspace filled with subsequent intrinsic peace and peachy afterglow, washing out wrath

sifting through the banks of her mind, i produce schisms, and visually metaphysical visions

visualization techniques split at the ream leaving a colorful flurry

scurrying across triangular entropy into ...

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New Age Spiritualityspiritualitynaturemotherlovelifepoetrypoemrelationshipshappiness

Can We Pretend

Can we pretend
     social media highlights
     are every day life.

Can we pretend
     children aren't starving,
     neglected or abused.

Can we pretend
     Mother Earth will
     pardon our plundering.

Can we pretend 
     animals don’t suffer 
     for our gluttonous pleasure.

Can we pretend
     greed doesn't 
     fuel disease.

Can we pretend
     God is real and 

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abusefaithfriendshipgluttonylifelonlinessloverelationshipsSocial mediaSuperman

Life for Everyone

No, there does not exist a perfect person

Or a perfect scheme of life,

And there is no path all smooth to travel,

With all happiness and with no strife.


And while cannot turn back time

We may amend our mistakes

And we can then learn of them

No matter how long it may take.


So patience must be our lifelong guide,

And not to dwell into despair

And not spend our...

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HopeLifePhilosophyStuart Vanner

second wind

My vitality feels resuscitated with every breathe we share

two halves of a heart

you are the oxygen that pumps, vestibule, pair of consonance heartbeats

bounce off the walls.

we jump up and down hand in hand

your touch warms through and lights a fire inside and around

sound mind when your whisper incites a riot

the night is charged, god particles in the air.

our souls dance...

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beautybreathehappinesslifelovelove makingnaturepoempoetryrelationshipsspiritualspirituality

Winners & Losers

You win when you say yes

You lose when you say 'Yeah, But'

You win when you say 'I Will'

You lose when you sulk & tut

You win if you choose Now

You may lose putting it off

Till tomorrow

You win if just persist

Don't go quitting in

Pitiful sorrow

You win by being daring

Dare to be yourself

You only lose when you're past caring

Just waiting for someone else


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Spanish Rose

My beautiful Spanish Rose, 

  the most fragrant flower

    in a crowded garden,

      withstanding harsh winters

        and choking weeds

          to remain



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Where is the magic?

We all start out knowing magic.

We are born with hurricanes and whirlwinds,

oceans and galaxies inside us.

We are able to sing to birds and read the clouds

and see the destiny in grains of sand.

But we have forgotten the magic

and we feel without compass, alone and desperately,

only selfishness, only pain, fear and darkness.

But, magic of love has nev...

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How do I love? (Part 2)

How do I love?
Wondered the struggling eyes,
As sun's rays reached the pale face,
Into another morning of inquiry,
Whether to carry on or linger,
From, perhaps, a hope for two souls,
That had no home,
Wandering around,
Looking and searching,
For, if haven was impossible,
At least a shelter to thrive on,
But to only provide what it needs,
One must let go,
A sacrifice,
For hope to live...

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homelifelife's choiceslovepeace


You came in to this world

with enough light to find

your way out of the dark,

enough kindness to save a soul,

enough love to shift a planet.

Don't worry, you are enquipped

with all you could ever need.

Look with in,

you are drenched in magic.

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Philosophy for today

Why are we all here?

What is life all about?

Are we sure that there's a God?

Or are we in some doubt?


How should we all live?

Is it always right to be good?

Are we constantly being judged?

Or are we understood?


Where are we all going?

And is it left up to fate?

Is it best to be early?

Or should we arrive late?


Is it best to be honest?

To be des...

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Stuart VannerLifePhilosophy

The Story of Our Lives

Every day we live a story,

Including characters and plots.

Some of them are exciting,

While some of them are not.


Is it firstly all planned out?

Or made up as we go along?

What sort of person shall we be in it?

Will we be weak or strong?


Can we choose to write the scripts?

Can we choose how it all ends?

Shall it finish good and happy?

And is there a moral...

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Stuart VannerLifePhilosophyStories

Percolated down to every bone

Via the phone
When I heard your voice
Having a friendly tone--
At long last you have won--
My diffidence and anxiety gone
An electrifying ecstasy
Charged my heart's zone,
Who fate was
To ceaselessly lament and moan.

The vein inundating feeling
You evoked, anon,
Percolated down to every bone
To each love thirst
To atone!


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lovelifehopesatisfactionunrequited love


Life is a journey that's way too short;

To waste precious time, being a worrywart. 

Fretting and fussing make one dour;

When life gives you lemons, make a Whiskey Sour! 


Care not for either, frivolity or sloth;

Work and Pleasure; there's a time for both. 

Watch a cloudburst, through your window pane;

Or run outside, and dance in the rain! 



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Talking to Myself

As I observe, I feel I need to ask myself “Why is it that people talk without thinking first?”

I see it everywhere I venture, people creating their very own version of hell and I wonder “Why would they do that? Make their life so limited and one dimensional?”


Further pondering on the matter drew me to further observe “They ask for exactly what they don’t want, all the time, why would th...

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Seasonal Variations

The changing colour of the seasons

Can life get any better than this?

Reflecting through all the reasons

Of why we came to exist

The midlife comparisons of autumn

As we're reaping our rewards

Fear of the chill in winter

Will we survive old age

Or be ignored?

As we look back to

The growth of spring

When all was so fresh 

And new

To the warmth and heat

That ...

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NaturelifeSeasons changepoetry

Death Card

When you think that something is dead and buried, but it keeps resurrecting itself unexpectedly...

A Wilderness

A Wonderland

Of bones

When your alone

You end up there


Fantasy flesh and tendons

Tend to latch on

To muscular musings

Confusing you

Rummaging in discouragement

Appointed master

In dissaapointment duties

Eternally denied

The luxury of satisfa...

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Go for the Glow

Go for the glow
of good health.

Go for the glow
of a clear conscious.

Go for the glow
of forgiveness.

Go for the glow
of dreaming fearlessly.

Go for the glow
of giving generously.

Go for the glow
of loving unconditionally.

Go for the glow
of a life well lived.


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Third Eye Blind

Mind spinning faster than a cyclone.
Do this, do that ad infinitum.

Worry about things beyond my control
until the scowl line blinds my third eye.

Waste life surfing the net, 
following every link that promises to take me higher, 
faster, farther than the languid loop of my existence.

Why does it never seem enough?

I long to escape the stoic-ease,
walk hand-in-hand among redwood t...

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In this world that we see,

It may not all be real,

The illusions and gimmicks,

Are all part of the spiel.


Repetition is normalised,

It’s the nine to five grind,

But thats just a way,

To keep the rest of us all blind.


We are stuck in a world,

That doesn’t want us to see,

The injustice and the cruelty,

That has been manipulated for humanity.


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lifelive in the momentreality

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