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Savaged Soul

If I knew your poetry would suddenly 
I would have memorized 
every poem,
to comfort me
when I feel alone. 
Your words help heal 
my savaged soul.
I'm sad you had to go.

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◄ Dancing with Poets

God Rays ►


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John Marks

Tue 24th Dec 2019 15:14

I, too, miss the spark and sparkle provided by Jacob, David, Rachel, Devon et al. We must remember that David (Wolfgar) did not choose to leave, he was expelled because he refused to censor his own words. Not only was he expelled but every word he contributed to our site was expunged. a draconian punishment indeed. Devon, Rachel et al left as an act of protest and of solidarity. Their absence is a grievous loss to WOL, as Tom has noted.

“What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist.”
― Salman Rushdie

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Wed 18th Dec 2019 04:00

Po, I am glad you are no longer on the WOLMIA list. I love your reasons for being here. You welcome new poets and always give thoughtful feedback. You are a treasure to our WOL community. ? Welcome “home”❣️

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Wed 18th Dec 2019 03:47

Thanks for your thoughtful feedback Po and Graham. I am grateful for this platform and hope it will be around for eons! It’s a wonderful place to share our work with welcoming and receptive poets that have a variety of backgrounds and experience. I agree that we walk a fine line when sharing POV pieces and comments. It requires public etiquette. Respect for all that have to make the one in a thousand call. Write on!

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 15th Dec 2019 11:20

I make these comments as a user of the site and not as an officer of it. I have been involved in WOL for many years and poets do come and go, for whatever reason they choose. The number who choose to leave outweigh those, (whom for whatever reason are expelled) by 1000/1. People/poets do outgrow the site, they feel that they have satisfied their requirements for feedback/critique and often join local clubs where the feedback is more immediate.
I too miss several poets who have decided to withdraw their entries and with whom I 'felt' a kindred connection. Indeed the job I have with the site was handed to me by an outgoing poet that I respected greatly.
Ergo, the site is what we make it, good, bad, humorous, serious, political, environmental, religious, atheistic, you name it.
All it asks is that we are all tolerant and respect one another and the wider conditions that the world imposes upon us with regard to the various 'isms' that are so prevalent today.

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Don Matthews

Sat 14th Dec 2019 21:44

Yes, I remember them also V , for better or worse......

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Sat 14th Dec 2019 21:06

I wondered if/hoped you were referencing them. I don’t feel like it has been the same since they left. There was such a good thing going here for a while with their input. I miss them all too. I try my best to keep up with them on their Wordpress blogs but it’s not the same. I wrote one when David ‘left’ called ‘The Ropes Are Fraying and Soon I’ll Sail’. In departing Devon did encourage me to start my own blog which has been really rewarding. But I wish there was a path for them all to return and things to really have that spark again.

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Sat 14th Dec 2019 14:22

Thanks Tom. I was thinking about the poets I admire that have left WOL because they lost connection or worse, through censorship. Big Sal, Wolfgar, ElPintor, Devon, Whiskey... you are missed.

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Sat 14th Dec 2019 11:20

I feel this. I hate it when the words disappear. So many poems I wish I could get back from voices I loved. Thanks for sharing.

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