The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Feeling good
Running around
Catch up on
What’s run into the ground.

So much to do
So far behind
Laundry, yard work
Constantly on the grind.

But fear comes
Banging on my door
Is this real,
Will I plummet to the floor?

Exhausted already
Pushing too hard?
Will I be ok,
Can I let down my guard?

Or is this already
The end of my rope?
I thought I’d healed
And could hold onto h...

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Bipolardepressionmaniamanichypo mania

The Rollercoaster which we name Bipolar

Up swings
Low swings
Irritable swings
Whenever the bell rings.
Time to change so soon?
Oh thankyou for the gloom
Its not like I needed mental room
I'll just listen to your tune.
Is it time for bed,
Or are you not done yet?
This endless strain of thoughts
Feeling like I'm making a case In front of the courts
Barely awake, but barely conscious?
You'll wish you'd had your bedroom blessed

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anxietybipolarbipolar and psychosisbipolar disorderdelusionsdepressionhallucinationsinterchangeablelow swingmaniamental healthmental health awarenessmindoppositespoems aboit mental healthpsychosisragerollercoasteruncontrolableup swing

Can't Escape

You try to escape the demons

But they latch on way too tight,

Their claws digging into my body

And mind, with all their might.


Fighting is exhausting,

It physically and mentally drains.

But still I endure it, hoping

One day I will finally escape the pain.

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anxietybattlecan't escapedemonsdepressionexhaustedhopeillnessmaniamental battlemental healthmental health issuesmental illnesspoetry and mental healthptsdrage

A Bipolar Mind

Each day, more exhausting than the last.

Time goes far too slowly, or too fast.

you're either extremely low, or elevated.

People either love you, or you're hated.


There is no middle ground

- no inbetween.

Everything is one extreme.

you're either Jekyll or you're Hyde.

It is a never ending fight.


You're a walking contradiction ,

With no explanation,

No cha...

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bipolar disordermental health issuesmental illnessdepressionmaniamanicirritabilityirritationcontradictionchangeragejekylhydetwo extremesawarenessexplanationpoetry and mental healthinvisible illnessespain

Sickness Within

We were born sick
But we adore it,
Nothing compares.
Living on the edge,
The dual extremes
in which we thrive,
are eating us alive.
Devouring our souls,
Ripping us apart,
Yet wholesome we feel
With our demons so close,
Sat upon our shoulder
Whispering to us, sins..
Orders upon orders
to which we must follow.

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sicknessbornbipolar disordertwo extremesbipolarmood swingsmaniadepressionmanicorderscompelledgive ingiving inacceptance

Highs and Lows, Frogs and Toads

5th grade was my downfall

Anxiety coupled with A.D.D

Made for the perfect broken marriage.


6th grade was calm.

I had everything under control

And I was taking medication


But 7th grade was morbid.

A child,

One only the devil could produce,

Had arrived with the diseased name

Of Depression.


8th grade was the year Depression made friends

Suicidal Tho...

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A.D.DAnxietydepressionhighslowsmaniamy mindparanoiasocial anxietystresssuicidal thoughts


I stare at your back, as if a portrait

hung to study. 
Bare, I stroke it where it is open as
you snore.
Touch freckles and moles with stealth. There,
I shut my eyes when you wake and sneeze,
I open them again when you fall back to sleep,
Watch as your lips gather the white
sticky dregs of the night,
I wish I could taste it.

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Schizophrenic on a Mission

I sit in my room alone but with a presence

My nerves are like lightning, electrified and effervescent

After an all night vigil, the day breaks through the sky

My bodies finely programmed, just like my wired up mind


The voices in my head command me wisely

While the messages from the telly inform me concisely

On my objectives, plans and aims

To go outside on a mi...

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SchizophreniaPsychiatric HospitalsManiaAuditory hallucinations

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