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The Angels

I saw the footsteps of an angel

Within the deep pools of blood

No one noticed the scarlet halo

Because angels are meant to be good


No one mourned the demons

No one shed a tear

No one noticed the angels descend

Until there was nothing to feel but fear


The angels smiled as they hurt you

And laughed as our children cried

There were no demons left to save the pe...

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Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #18 {He Just Don't Realize That I Still Care}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #18} {He Just Don't Realize That I Still Care} 




He treats me like

I never really even

existed to him even

when I did `n` now wish

I didn't exist to him

but in his reality I 

don't or never did but

I still do care though




`n` he doesn't care about

me or never really did 

because if he did he

would at...

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diary of the southern queenhurtlivinglovingloving youOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpainpoemspoetrysad poemsad poetryTina Gloverworldly inspirationwriting

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #6 {His Rhythm}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #6} {His Rhythm} 




His rhythm of

his songs played

like the sickest

twisted dead of a

deafening whistling 

whisper's through

the cold northern

lights that only

the animals could

hear that kept

them howling

by the bay from the

amusement of his

meaningless song

that continues to

play his sickened


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diary of the southern queenhumoroushumorous poemlieslifelivingmusicOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpainquotesongsTina Gloverworldly inspirationwritingwriting poemswriting poetry

Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #4 {No More Love Here}

{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #4} {No More Love Here} 




No more love here 

No more time for

you here 

No more loyalty

here for you

No more of my

valuable time for


No more hearing

my say I love you


No more of me

holding you tight

all night because

that's now long

gone `n` so


No more of me

having to listen


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Coping With Madness press releasediary of the southern queenemotional painhurtlifelovemadnessOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloveroutside inspirationpainquotesadnessTina Gloverwordy queenworldly inspiration

We Stand Army Strong

{We Stand Army Strong} 



We stand under the American flag with us being stronger than before because we are united and Army Strong 


But when thing's gets dicey outside around us we pick ourselves back up two by two while filing out of the doorway two by two with our weapons in our hands with our military brother's and sister's standing strong by our side even while we may be un...

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poetry armyarmy poempoempoetrylivinglifepaindeathTina GloverOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glovermilitary

Black And White

A hundred thoughts in my mind

Yet struggling to pen down some lines.

There is this rainbow, all over me;

But I am all white

Just being black and white.


Bullet is cheaper than love;

Tears wiping away smiles.

Death winning over life;

But I am alright, 

Just being black and white.


A hundred arrows pierced my heart;

Haven't split a pint of blood, yet


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black and whitelosspainrainbowrosewar

I Will Not Let You Beat Me Down

{I Will Not Let You Beat Me Down} 



Darling I won't

let you beat me

down and it's

high time that

this cowgirl 

picks herself back

up off of the

ground and get

to moving on

down the long

lonesome road as

I kick the hell

out them blues

you have got me

going through

and now it's time

to forget all 

about you 





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country girl's poemcountry girl's poetryfictionheartshurtlifelivingOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainpoemsad poemsad poetrysadnessTina Gloverwriting

No Guarantees

{No Guarantees}




There's no guarantees

that you actually ever

loved me at all


There's no guarantees

that you was even

worth my tears over

these year's 

And I'm not gonna cry

and I sure as hell ain't

gonna shed no more

tears for you since

you left me to be with

her and tore my world

apart while breaking and


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One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpoempoetrysadnesspainheartachesad poetrysad poemlifelivinglovingmad as hellTina Gloverwritingfictionwriting poetry

My Forever Sleeping ? Angel Daughter Lily

{My Forever Sleeping ? Angel Daughter Lily}



My forever sleeping angel daughter Lily as her eyes became to heavy to hold open any longer because she heard Jesus calling her home so she cried out one last time and took one big gasp of air into her tiny lungs and then she was gone and now me or her daddy's life isn't never gonna be the same because we don't have beautiful our little Lily...

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Death of a childheartachehurtlifemissing someoneOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainpoempoetrysad poemsad poetrysadnessTina Glover

She's Trying

{She's Trying}


She's trying to forget: 

She's trying truly to

force herself to

forget about the


between them


She's trying so hard

to forget his voice 

She's trying to forget

how he made her laugh

even though she felt like

she's was dying on

the inside 

She's trying to forget

all the beautiful


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she's tryingshe's gonepoempoetrysadnesssad poemsad poetryTina GloverStoriesflash fictionfictionwritingthinking out loudthinkingthoughtspainhurtOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverlifelivingheart felt poemheart felt poetry

The Awaited Love Of A Lifetime

{The Awaited Love Of A Lifetime}



This shy girl awaited

for the love of her

lifetime to come a

long into her lonely

life that made this 

delicate ? rose

stays so closed off

to the outside world

around her and even

more so to men

because the way she

has been hurt before

so she closed the 

doors for finding her 

love of a lifetime and

she me...

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fictionflash fictionhurtlifelivinglovelove of a lifetimeOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainpoempoetrysad poemsad poetrysadnessstoriesTina Glover

She Misses Him Badly

{She Misses Him Badly}



They shared something

so beautiful and something

so deep and true but that

was so truthful lustful love

affair ended to soon because

he didn't believe her so she

went on her way no matter

how much she cared or loved

him and so much she wanted

to stay but she knew that

they would only hurt each

other in the end and they

did bec...

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poempoetrystorieshurtpainTina Gloverwritingthinking out loudthoughtsthinkingsad poemsad poetryloveOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloversadness

I'm About To Lose My Mind

{I'm About To Lose My Mind} 



I'm about ready

to lose my cotton

picken mind  



because the same

pain each day when

I open my eyes

is about ready to

drive this

woman totally insane 



because the throbbing,

aching, blurred 

vision, sensitivity

to light and 

​​​​​​sounds along with

the headache on top

of a bad migraine headach...

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chiari 101chiari poemchiari poetrycure chiaricure mehealthhurtinglifeOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina GloverpainsadnesssicknessstoriesTina Glovertrying to livewriting

The Pain

{The Pain} 


There is pain in my? heart that always hurts so deep that it never departs from my aching? heart 



And it's the pain of us being apart 



A bad pain of our two heart's being so broken and torn apart 



That never makes it's final departure 





©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/01/2017 all rights reserved

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getting byhurtlifelivinglove quoteslove quotes for himOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainpoemsquotessad poemssad poetrysadnessthinkingthoughtsTina Glovertorn apartwriting

I Did Once Love Him

{I Did Once Love Him} 


It seems like a million year's ago now that I did love him but the everescents of his memory lingers with me today the ? heartache never seems to disappear from my world as this isn't what I expected in the end but I guess it wasn't never a guaranteed any more than he gave me which was nothing but endless heartaches and in the end it was a bad hurtful dream that is s...

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broken heart'shurtkilling me slowlylieslovepainpoempoetrythinkingwriting

Haven't Changed

HA! I guess I haven't changed since then. All these schemes and dreams in my head of me doing something impossible to win you back. Wrong choice of words. To open you to me once more.

Once I daydreamt that I somehow got in touch with Al Barr and we went drinking up in Edmonton at your favorite bar every day for a week until you strolled in. You were star struck, Al was a cool wingman, you fell ...

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lovezachhappypainletting goi don't want toplease don't goi need you

don't burn.

to you,

i am nothing.


every memory

every laugh 

every smile

every tear

every mistake

every argument

every compliment

is nothing.


i could never compare

to weed

according to you.


i could never compare

to autism and down syndrome jokes

according to you.


my love for you

the fact that you're my best friend

the things you've help...

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metaphormesslongpoemweedhighschoolfriendshippainhurtbetrayalfireburnold dreamsburnoutletter that will never be sent

I hope. I want. I remember.

I hope you think of me every night in your dreams.

I hope you see me in everyone you date.

I hope you wish I would come back.

I hope you  see me and feel the pain I felt  while we were together.

I hope  you  hear my cries, feel my pain and see my tears.

I hope every time you close your eyes  you see me with him.

I want you to hate yourself for everything you’ve done to me

I wa...

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depressedlovepainsadsad poems

The messages

What words have passed

What said

What read

What meaning cast?


What recall flows

What thought

What tort

What grievance shows?


What edge is crossed

What line

What sign

What friendship lost?


What nightmare grown

What meme

What seam

What darkness sown?


What text is read

What hyped

What typed

What despair fed?


What lov...

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Angel to ghost 
I go 
the night cold 
heavy heart torn 
rain hails bones 
brutal ache my mistake 
always alone 
always alone 
trying trying 
to go back in time 
to a place in my mind 
paradise denied 
burning inside
blue ice fire 
cracks a pain so deep 
only sounds like these 
evoke awake demons 
buried brittle knees 
signal transmits 
a radio waves 
echo cellos past 

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One Moment

I fell for you.

I loved you.

I opened my heart and soul to your infinite worlds of possibility.

I touched you.

I held you.

I felt safe and secure in the sacred silence of your arms.

But you were scared.

You were closed.

Meeting every tender word with thought rather than feeling.

You could have been the one,

But now you're just one moment.

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loveBroken heartsLoversLustPain

My Mind Is My Own

My mind is my own

But it’s thought are foreign

Their nature is a conquest of deception

Forcing perception to be an abstract idea and a tangled question

Sanity is now an opinion within itself

 [no one in their right mind can understand it, and no one out of it can claim it.]

Truth no longer means

And anything is just a dream

Absence is more concrete

For it clears my mind ...

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i know!

i know that it's gonna be alright

i know, that at one point i won't have to fight

i know, that there is gonna be day, when i won't think of you

i know, i wont cry a tear, even a few

i know, that i will laugh harder than ever

and only feel better and better

and for the most, i know, that i am going to love

even more than i loved you

only at this time

i will be loved back ...

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lovepainhurtlove hurts

I see why love is red.

I can’t tell you.

But last night, you entered my chest

for play, some kind of game, like ‘Operation’

and then I couldn’t sleep

I jolted – shivered – jerked – quirked,

now my eyes don’t close

and my body is a pulse,

you tiptoed across my ribcage,

leaving foot prints enlaced by landmines,

you slept on my lungs,

short wired my arteries,

you clipped the circuits of my ...

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lovereddangervulnerablepaindisasterbroken heartexcitementthrillworry

Wednesdays lost

Wednesdays Lost As “The” day draws nearer Spirits sink lower Fears rise, higher. Not completely sure why, It’s as if we expect something…or “That” to happen again… Anything worse…is impossible! Still so unbelievable _ surreal almost. Two months short of a year And we continue to struggle to grasp the fact_ You’re gone! How do you go about planning an Angel Day…? When you can’t believe… Yet reg...

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Carry On

Carry on

Sometimes I can't even talk
I just want to be left alone
With my own thoughts
Other times I don't want to be on my own
I just want someone to hold me
And make me feel safe and at home

Sometimes I can barely walk
I just want to stay in bed all day
Hoping the pain will go away
Other times I want to fight it and carry on
Even though I know it might bring a flare up on

The p...

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Feel Like I'm Crazy

Feel Like I'm Crazy

The doctor tells me "it's Fibromyalgia"
I've never heard of it before
But I think finally I have an answer
For all of my pain
But it doesn't take me long to decipher
It's something that they can't explain
Do they think that I'm insane?

They don't understand it
There is no cure
It's a curse not an answer
And I don't know how much more of this I can endure

They ...

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Painsufferingdepressionanxietystressmental health


My head is full of numbers, 
my heart is full of dread 
if I go from black to blue 
all the rhymes 
will come out new. 
Red bleeds to yellow 
and all the numbers are blue
the three comes in threes and
makes the nine incomplete and 
the moon tells the secrets 
I'm not meant to keep 
it's a message of the future 
and the past complete. 

A half yellow star sharp 
pierces my art.
The ...

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Words, the only thing that connects me to you
Through words I figured out the things that you do
Words you want to say to the girls that you loved that are too good to be true
Words that I read just like the lyrics of my favorite songs

I figured their is a list of the girls in your heart
You fall too easy something that is common with my heart
I don't know how many times I hoped for an us

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friendsfriendshiplovePainunrequited love

Helpless Still

Six months, ten days have passed Yet nothing has changed

Time has not started since that April day…

Sadness remains Tears constant

Helpless still…

Days remind me of a rollercoaster ride Not one you enjoy…

But the dreaded kind… Where every uncertain second So unkind

One day bearable… The next, a bottomless pit…

Falling, Anger overwhelming Emptiness always …

Helpless still


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death of a childgrieffriendshiplovepainsupport


Kohl                                                                                                                                           By : Mirza Sharafat

night has enveloped, to give me some relief
now invisible are walls of separation, and thy grief

where blood quenches the thirst
disloyalty is faith last and first
is the religion my beloved belongs to

I beckoned, red and bla...

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lonelylonelynessmourningmelancholyrainingkashmirloveseparationpainsorceryladychildhood love

Written whilst listening to Solange: Don't touch my hair

My wound is dark
My wound is deep
My wound is disasterous 

My wound comes everywhere
My wound won't heal
My wound is my nightmare

My wound bleeds 
My wound cries 
My wound is infected 

My wound hurts
My wound seeps 
My wound wripped further

You can't see my wound 
I can feel my wound 
Nobody cares about my wound 

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A Poem for Every Night

Is there something wrong with me?

No forget it, don't answer.

I don't need the diagnosis,

There's no need to say it,

Not even a whisper...


As the moon rises, the sky darkens...

It can't be helped.

As the place grows dark and time passes,

In this quiet home,

I start to feel alone.


The sinking feeling starts...

It's only 9pm and I feel alone.

Who can I...

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Grotesque decadence

A small piece I wrote while sitting by the river today, I actually hand wrote about 5 of these and left them at all the surrounding buildings haha ! 

The river dances, An iridescent reflect the sun shines as it mirrors and presents
A cinematic silhouette 
Birds glide, dive into the depths, lizards leapt down the oyster coated steps.
Dip there feet and feast on what the fishermen left, Rotten...

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Lost in the summer haze 
still filtering out those greys,
still absent in waste, 
vacant in change 
rearranging my stain 
an inherent pain 
the colour 
My bones leak into my soul, 
the mud absorbs everything 
but the flow 
and the black fog 
still follows me home.

The desert can be bleak 
especially when the colour
constantly leaks
and the sa...

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I been sleeping under the ocean, 
drowning in emotion, 
mind empty and slowing, 
sound but a commotion 
too loud without meaning.

Time passes silent still 
all my words desert me 
when I lose my will.
Tired of climbing 
the same sodden hill.

It rains and it hails 
and the sun comes 
in and out of view. 
The smell is old but new, 
the memory evades 
but the pain, still 
cuts rig...

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I Really Shouldn't Eat in the Sand.

In sunshine doses

I furiously eat my pasta

in the sand.

It burns! 

I squirms!

Unable to withdraw it all with my hands.

No luck

says I

as it multiplies;

grain by grain.


what a fucking pain.

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With his hands stained with blood

Mr. Maduro, I am enveloped and driven by a superb energy and leave you a message, on behalf of millions of angry hearts, a simple message: We want you to go away!

All of this has been more than enough. We are tired of your evilness, your abuses, your cynicism, your humiliations and want you to know that we are all swathed with your "mistakes". We demand to return to the Venezuela that our paren...

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What’s bad for your heart is good for your art, they say

And it may be true that poetry is either about pain or love,

Finding or losing a beloved one

Thoughts and creativity,

As a tool to convert them into words in a poem,

Find me, not when I am at my absolute worst, never then

They find me when I am feeling a bit down, disheartened, sad

The kind of “there are tears in my eyes...

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Domestic Drama (Part 1)

I know better
so why don't I do better?
Be angry and sin not 
that's what the word says
obscene language, 
that's what the world says 
I'm tired and cranky 
and frankly,
I just want to lie in bed 
but lo and behold!
She is sleeping there 
like Snorlax or Goldilocks 
and I'm suppose to bear this?

too tired to fume 
want to sweep this away
'Bring the broom, take out the trash,

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In those darkest, darkling months

when both belief and hope were lost

when love was stretched taught beyond endurance

when pain and understanding spiralled


There was some doubt of destiny:

could love be snatched away;

and child a mother lose?

A new reality to supplant all we knew

                                                                        and dreamt.


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Who I am Becoming

Is the pain of loneliness worse than the pain of regret

Than giving away another part of your shrinking soul

I only have so much to give

I do not know how to stop

I am not eternal

I am not limitless


I am finite

There is a certain amount of me

And some parts never grow back

Some parts, once given, cannot ever be recovered

I cannot be returned to who I once was


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selfpastpainfinitelonelinessquestioninggiving of myself too muchlimited


the forgiving


are also, it seems, 

the confused


we can't quite figure out who to blame


we just know, it can't be ourselves

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forgiveforgivenesspainregretnew beginnings

Since Yesterday

When we were children, if things hurt us we would stop

Pricking fingers on roses, desperate to feel its softness, to smell it

We would be curious and we would get hurt and we would learn a lesson from that 


But as I've grown older

I've hurt myself further

I've clung to what we were as if I was gripping a rockface in a heavy storm

sometimes the storm wins


Everytime I ...

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belongingbreakingheart achehurtinglosspain


I shut it down 
when it gets too loud 
and I go back 

I feel it like a thud, 
dull but hollow,  
loud and shallow. 
I wallow, I bellow. 
I hope, I hope 
then I damn the hope 
down the hole,

throw the rope. 

I’m afraid, 
afraid of my brain, 
afraid of the rain, 
my pain, 
the words on the page,
the ever growing rage, 
the crushing despair, 
the hate. 

No mo...

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The Truth About Pain

The truth about pain...

The truth about MY PAIN.

The truth is nobody knows about my pain.

The truth about my pain..

The truth is nobody asked me about MY PAIN...

Since the start of my time, here on this plane (planet) all I ever felt is pain.

Truth is behind this smile, this pretty face all you'll see is this here PAIN.


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My pain, guilt are nothing ... if compared 

With your miraclish feel "self-value"

(Nothing evident).

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I Don't Want to Write Tonight

Nothing will ease this ache,
this pain, 
this blank space.
My heart lies torn, 
so worn.

Words don't help, 
my mind a blur,
my sleepless brain, 
my feelings of dismay.
All these things 
pull me under,
awaken my thunder.

Alone we wonder 
and wander
from one star to another
trying in vain 
to illuminate the way
but the pain won't go away
no matter 
how we pray.

It all comes...

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Cool Air


Cool air replaces where your hands should be,

Fingers locked on bare skin all over me,

The breeze keeps blowing colder and colder,

As the love between us grows older and older,


Your tongue parted my lips that way,

Your hands grasped desperately to make me stay,

Yet I still drifted endlessly away,

And I kissed someone new today

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He left

He left 

He left behind his broken wife and his scared son

He left

He left us cold, all alone with no one 

He left


The vows, they meant nothing 

The promises, broken 

I just wish we meant something 

More than just empty words spoken 


I cried for days at a time 

My young son wiped every tear 

Leaving us was a crime 

And now, it's been 1 year 



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familybrokenheartachepainlovesadnessmemoriesmarriageaffairbetrayaldepressionlonlinessfearchangesonmotherfatherunconditional love

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