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My Forever Sleeping ? Angel Daughter Lily

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{My Forever Sleeping ? Angel Daughter Lily}



My forever sleeping angel daughter Lily as her eyes became to heavy to hold open any longer because she heard Jesus calling her home so she cried out one last time and took one big gasp of air into her tiny lungs and then she was gone and now me or her daddy's life isn't never gonna be the same because we don't have beautiful our little Lily in our world any more and we miss her so much because we often wonder what she would look like now and how her voice would sound and what her hair and eyes would look like but one day we shall see all that again we are just waiting to be called home but mommy might be there before daddy because my is really bad sick but we do love you and miss our baby girl so much it can be such a bad pain that feels like we are having a ? heart attack



{My Forever Sleeping ? Angel Daughter Lily 11/13/2010}


They say it gets easier as time goes by but that's not true though because is been seven year's now and I still can see and feel it like it was yesterday and we beat ourselves up thinking we should've done more but mommy was sick to and daddy almost lost both of us that cold November day in 2010 but my ? heart started back beating again in the operating room but that's when yours was having difficulties fighting for life and I begged God to let me take your place but he took you my darling daughter Lily way to soon and God only takes the best so he got you but one day he will get mommy and daddy to but until then we will always be miss you and be loving you until we get there with you



And no one can understand this kind of pain unless they have suffered it to  






©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/06/2017 all rights reserved 


Death of a childheartachehurtlifemissing someoneOne_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Gloverpainpoempoetrysad poemsad poetrysadnessTina Glover

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Big Sal

Thu 25th Jan 2018 03:17

Very touching, beautiful piece of art. Good thoughts to you.

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Tina Glover

Thu 7th Dec 2017 03:38

Thanks for the prayers for my beloved Lily but I will pass that along to her father because I'm not married anymore and thank you for the comforting words expressed in your comment and maybe one day we will have ☮️ peace but I doubt that but in all due aspects thanks

Have a great day now you hear!

<Deleted User> (16099)

Wed 6th Dec 2017 22:40

prayers to Lily always in God's grace, and for you and your husband may he give you peace and comfort even though the reasons for all of this is completely out of reach.

in God's name we pray amen

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