The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Carry On

Carry on

Sometimes I can't even talk
I just want to be left alone
With my own thoughts
Other times I don't want to be on my own
I just want someone to hold me
And make me feel safe and at home

Sometimes I can barely walk
I just want to stay in bed all day
Hoping the pain will go away
Other times I want to fight it and carry on
Even though I know it might bring a flare up on

The pain feels like it's crushing me
Suddenly sharp, shooting pains strike me
And it's like a thousand pins are stabbing me
It feels so sore
It burns like fire
And I don't know if I can take it anymore
Sometimes I wonder
How much longer
I can carry on

I'm trapped in this nightmare
And it seems so unfair
The pain is so tiring
I can't think straight
The pain is so distracting
I can't concentrate
I try to escape
But there's no way out


◄ Feel Like I'm Crazy

Lover's Embrace ►


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