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Lightening burns and strains my mind

Freezes my thoughts like a photo

Open to think again

Alive again to life ever after 

For now at least

Lifting me from depressions hungry jaw

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At day my head motors, purrs, covers the ground, works

Come dusk my head flits, tilts, twitches, looks to fly and flee

The darkness, draws me, pulls me

More space, less noise, life brighter, sharper

Dusk, a mind switch, a chance

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the plains (06/12/2022)

we might not ever know just how long the sky is 

take a walk 
and see how long the shadows cast 
'long this pitted earth 
loam buried neath the falling brass 
sediments, testaments, to the manufactured time
we wait.
the shifting tumbling, ferrid sands
cover greener pastures, laying dormant
and flags decay upon these lands

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rdr art imitates life and the wind howls longlowclear

Dream Boat

Let the dreamless boy to cry 
If his wish to fly has gone 
How his tears going to dry 
If he stays far of sun

Ask dreamless boy be awake 
That the dream, is a part of us 
Tell him: "think of a better talk" 
And to change the dark glass 

Help dreamless boy to be here 
And clear his negative thought 
Once he comes to hear or share 
He will enjoy to dream in a boat 

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ask awakebetterboychangeclearcomecrydreamdreamlessdryenjoyflyglassgogonehelpherenegativepartsailsharestaysuntalktearstellthinkthoughtwith

Kerala Visit



kerala is peaceful and beautiful 
in all cases and places 
Keralite people are so cheerful 
I can read "welcome" on faces 


The Green Carpet of all guests 
and pure nature to enjoy 
generous people happily smiling 
at any time of any day 


Life in Kerala based on love 
and clear hearts for caring 
I love Kerala more than enough 
I'll come back sure for sharing 

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Simply Says


Simple Girl, frankly, says: 
“Life is simple without lies”. 
Lies are always complicated, 
And TRUTH, surely, will rise. 


Simple Girl's heart is warm, 
And brain is normally calm. 
Thinks for her shiny future, 
Happily, without windy storm. 


Simple Girl believes in God. 
Says always a faithful word, 
And purely behaves in life, 
As human does always good. 

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