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At day my head motors, purrs, covers the ground, works

Come dusk my head flits, tilts, twitches, looks to fly and flee

The darkness, draws me, pulls me

More space, less noise, life brighter, sharper

Dusk, a mind switch, a chance

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Riding a rickshaw through the uneven lines in my hair that I made when I tried cutting my hair

 I tried to be a changed man,
so I shaved the sides of my head,
but it quickly grew back out,
now I'm drowning in pointless doubt.

Could it be what you said,
cause it haunts me when I'm in bed.
Few words on repeat,
just seem stuck in my head.

I tried to be a changed man,
but habits don't die young,
running up on empty,
ever since I left me.
And my confidence is tanking,
I just nee...

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My child...


I hold your hands
   For you to take a step
   For you to tread ahead
   For you to stand straight
   For you to hold your head high.

Step by Step

We walked together
   For you to gather strength
   For you to gain confidence
   For you to fathom a future bright
   For you to stand to apart upright

Higher the Flight

You rose to heights
   For you to shine

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