The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I couldn't think of another stanza

curled on a velvet chair

in a darkening room

is a monstorous teen. 

outside the blackening,

is a fading pink sky.

the clouds within whisper to shepards, 

"Delighted I Hope"

and on the highest grassy hills,

the shepards face eternity.




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poetpoetrypoemteenteenagerfemalegirlhoodfictionnon fictionlovewritingstoryshort storystanzasshort poemwomanhoodteen writerteenage writeramateur poet


I've known many stairs

Rising to strange places

Where joy roams free

A blur of female faces


Stairs can feel unreal

From drink and hurry

Chasing hot rump in a

Scented hectic flurry


Drink risks a frisson

Tumbling down stairs

Scrambles your wits

Impedes your affairs


Some boast a bend

Others climb straight

Either route is urgent

Desire will n...

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The man and the sea - Part 1: The Stranding

After the ship broke

the man found himself in the middle of the sea

drifting into the unknown in the dark

clinging to a piece of tree


the man is physically strong, he needs to be

cause his mindset is weak

and now that no one can see

he lets out a tiny weep


by daylight, the man spots land on the horizon

he heads off and crawls

but she, the sea, won’t let him ...

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malefemalegender rolessea themed poemsrelationships

'Listening to Elvis, thinking it over'

I wish I knew what to say

I look for words

But they just escape me


I look for a sign, everyday

But the faith I feel, it fades away


Set the alarm, wake up and keep on going

But all the while, my tears are flowing


What about the love and joy that I felt in my heart?

Please don’t tell me we’re destined to depart?


Elvis’ dulcet tones, makes its way right ...

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I would be lying if i say I didn’t miss you

Because deep inside i know i did


You were the love of my live

But soon I realised it was best to let you go 


Pain was piercing my soul with each passing day

And it was time for me to say my last goodbyes to you


It’s been two years and 

Life has been good lately no pain no sorrow

But deep inside the thought of you st...

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My face may not have symmetry

My skin may have spots

My belly may roll and wobble

My thighs may touch... a lot


Petals do not have symmetry

Mountains may have spots

The ocean may roll and wobble

The clouds they touch... a lot


I see the beauty of nature

Everytime I look at me 

I was handcrafted by goddesses

As is everything I see

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femalebody positivityconfidencebeauty


They trickle  down ebbing the pain of bygone days..
They celebrate joyous times fervidly
Silent spectators, intensely flowing with craze.. 
They best know my soul and captures it so vividly ..

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Fool's game

Fuck it, I will let myself fall

I'll allow my stupid heart to get broken

Hopefully you're worth it

If you're not, then perhaps I deserve it.


You could be everything

You could be nothing

You could be the highest of highs or the most epic of lows

You could be my ebb, you could be my flow


You could be just one night

You could be the love of my life!

You could b...

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New love

My darling, sorry for the delayed reaction

but this time I feel it, electric attraction


Most days you're literally all I think of

somebody save me, for you I am odd 


Tell myself I will take it slow

that just ain't my style though


Whenever we say goodbye

I instantly dream all about the next time


You are fascinating, liberating, you're so intoxicating. 


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Lets talk and talk some more on your living room floor,

delibarating til' the clock hits four


Sweet tobacco scent,

your soul is up for rent


Our birthdays they fall in the same week,

I can feel the signs in the way you speak


I told you I'm crazy,

you told me you liked it


I knew you weren't lying. 

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Abolish anger (it's a wasted emotion)

So much beauty

so much anger

so much comfort

so much danger

so much hate

so much love

so much push

so much shove

so much warmth

so much cold

so very young

so very old

so much intelligence

so much ignorance

so much despair

so much bliss

I can feel it in your punch but I'd rather it a kiss. 


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This heart

Where the hell are you?

I've been waiting for what seems like my whole life

I can't get it out of my head

I thought by now I'd be someone's wife.


Nothing turned out how I thought it would

Is it for the best, for the greater good?


Why is the heart such a fragile thing?

With every rejection I feel the sting.


I look in the mirror but it ain't me looking back


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heartachelove poetryfemalepoetryexpressionpoetromance

My love

My love, I let you down

I promised I'd be there but started to drown


My love, I was in over my head

Why did we pass ships at night as we climbed into bed


My love, the only love for me

I just want to say sorry, I am so fucking sorry 


My love, I see your face everywhere

There's not one other face that could compare


My love, my beautiful friend

You were ...

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i love youlove poetrysorryfemalepoetryexpressionpoetromance

Not one for the guys

Sometimes it bugs me

to have to chain up my chest

to keep it under control


And a few days each month

I’m afraid to stand up

for fear of disaster below


The price to pay for having a way

to make two little humans

and call them my own


One of whom

will make the same complaints

once she is fully grown.

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The Forest Glade

I saw her stand

exposed and timid

nervous, shivering

in the leafy sun

a dappled beauty

suddenly shy


I saw him stand

proud and sure

brash, potent

in the cool shade

a young pretender

suddenly hesitant


I heard them come

angry and loud

fast, rushing

through the heat

the older lads

suddenly here


I saw his doubt

alone and fearful


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Blue Movie

It's better when I write things down, 
I can be more meticulous.
Then I remember you called me a child and said I was ridiculous. 

Perhaps you shouldn't have made yourself so inconspicuous, 
it could be said that we would not have got into 'this'.

You picked at the conversation and I gave my participation. 
I rather wish I hadn't for now I'm left anticipating. 

Did the Indian Ocean pi...

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