The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Last Great Beauty

The smoothness of this train
as it slips the platform’s leash
The window scene begins to blur
viewed through tear-stained eyes
A myriad of questions swirl
they smudge my addled heart
Creeping high above all else
it’s that merciless, that jagged ‘what if’

What if this 
is the last great beauty
I will ever know

Eyes hungrily study details in the cover image
letting the pages fold the...

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Tanka: The Worrier

Looming housework: dust, dirt, grime
Attack my eyes each
Day I peer here, there.
Get broom, mop, soap, dust rag more
Worry is tiring. Postpone.


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New Year's Dream

For the successes that we have
Are as the land,
And all our hopes and plans
As trees and flowers,
But our failings are the droplets
Of the sea and rain
And all our fears and worries - 
Winds and storms.

And I am so adrift, so far, so floundering
Though there's most a lifetime learning how to swim,
Till I have thought me too far gone
Or that the raging sky and sea might never ease agai...

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Why Worry

I worry about everything, all of the day

I worry about everything, all I do and say

Does it matter if I am not strong?

Do I really care if I get it wrong?

Not really! no-one gives a stuff either way

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I worry too much

I worry every moment

of every single day

about everything I do

and everything I say


I wish I was brave enough

to sometimes get it wrong

without fear of criticism

be confident and strong


For a moment I convince myself

no-one cares anyway

promptly returning to my worries

for the remainder of the day


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RIP Poppy

My house is so full of empty spaces

where you used to eat, sleep and be

My days are now full of silence

because you are not here with me


My thoughts are full of worry

was it too soon to say goodbye

My eyes are still full of tears

I hope you didn't see me cry


My body is full of loneliness

you were my companion to the end

My memory is full of good times


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Tuning In

Can you hear me
on this crowded 

Is the earth turning
to quicksand
beneath your feet?

Let poetic music 
drown the chaos,
set your spirit free.

No more worries. 
Only peace, 
love, harmony...

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Words of You

Searching for you

You’re the word

On the tip of my tongue

- tip - tip – tick – tock

You’re the face on my clock


You’re the catch in my breath

Like if I was to cough

Words of you

Would just tumble out

Like if I was to shout

Words of you

Would just rumble out

You’re built into my skull

You’re the clutch over my brain

You’re running through my veins


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anxietyBroken heartsHeartbreakMoving forwardobsessionrelationship breakupSilencestruggleWorry

Sleeping through earthquakes

If I am your world

with my head lying on your chest,

then is the b-beat b-beating tectonic plates?

Is your heart safely caged?

Can I lift my head or will you break?

You are the love between my legs.

You are my love, between my legs.

Are you the birthmark on my flesh?

It beats: s-stay s-stay...

Is your heart safely caged?

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lovephilosophyrhymerhythmvulnerabilityword playworry

Fear and Worry

You want to let it go
then let her go
she has her life
and it is quite clearly without you
...........for the time being

Are you frightened of becoming
like your mother?
Hated by the daughter?
Never speaking or giving her the time of day?

Then, I wish you well my dear
Fear is your teacher
and worry your god

I fear for you
and worry for your future
as you do not yet know
what i...

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I see why love is red.

I can’t tell you.

But last night, you entered my chest

for play, some kind of game, like ‘Operation’

and then I couldn’t sleep

I jolted – shivered – jerked – quirked,

now my eyes don’t close

and my body is a pulse,

you tiptoed across my ribcage,

leaving foot prints enlaced by landmines,

you slept on my lungs,

short wired my arteries,

you clipped the circuits of my ...

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lovereddangervulnerablepaindisasterbroken heartexcitementthrillworry

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