long distance (Remove filter)
Evening Thoughts
It brings me comfort knowing we're sleeping under the same sky,
Gazing at the same moon,
Wishing upon the same stars.
It makes me feel closer to you.
Saturday 25th September 2021 6:49 pm
Hidden Gems
There it goes
Off in the distance where nobody can see me
I'll take time to write my symphony
Every word is an earthquake of emotion rumbling your spectrum
Hear the soul's beat and become what I've always imagined
You have seen what I love and became what I hated
If it was something that was mistaken I could say i hate what i created
Pain did not end it but ha...
Monday 28th December 2020 4:18 am
Long distance Love
Days pass way too fast
It's hard to invision, that we'll last
Running onwards, aimlessly
Without allowing our truths, to set us free
When will we gain control?
Stop plodding on too slow?
Not one of us really knows,
We just continue with the flow
I dream of the day, they set us free
Finally able to live the way, we want to be
Just me and you for eternity
Thursday 9th May 2019 9:57 pm
My M
Its 2 am and I can't stop thinking about you.
The way your eyes crinkle,
the way your lips curl into a smile
God that smile showing your teeths, looking at me and i take you in.
Every dent of your skin, every spot, all the twinkles in your eyes, the prettiest nose scrunch, ...
Wednesday 27th February 2019 4:42 pm
The Far Off Stare
Watching every twitch, each squirm
Observing my skin as goosebumps form
Longing for your touch
Songs of passion in my throat
Claim me again, hum into my ear
Good girl
Revel in the bridge raised within my breast with each gasp of air
Breathe life into me with every mention of my name
Gazing upon my weakened state
Claim me again, pack my head with fuz...
Thursday 3rd May 2018 3:37 pm
Trust Me
Trust Me
(My thoughts on joining the LDR club when I started uni... But he moved with me in the end)
I am terrified.
My skin is a semi-permanent tsunami above
These Earth-quaking bones.
I am terrified of being alone.
Not only as the Sun sets and then rises again,
But the empty, aching hollow that
Fills my chest when
I think about you gone.
When I say I am scared to be alon...
Sunday 25th March 2018 6:32 pm
Pick Up (A Selfish Poem)
Your Skype signed in again
It’s so tempting to call you
There’s a voice screaming at me to just
Pick up the phone
Just pick up the phone
Against every urge
I’m silent, all except these prose
I must stay silent
Must wait
Wait for what?
For the message, the text, the phone call
Another voice tells me
That will never happen
Selfishly, I want you to miss me
I want to make you miss me
Sunday 26th November 2017 3:22 am
I Can Be Good (Z)
With each and every prose I think of new things to outpour onto this page. Ideas and feelings flow through me, conflicting, and most of the time I am ok.
I've been sober since then; nothing helps this anymore. Every day starts out slow, in a haze, then I feel ok and content and myself for a few hours. Once noon rolls around, my heart hurts, my stomach turns, my head spins, and I leave class to ...
Tuesday 21st November 2017 8:37 pm
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