The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

Long distance Love

Days pass way too fast

It's hard to invision, that we'll last

Running onwards, aimlessly

Without allowing our truths, to set us free


When will we gain control?

Stop plodding on too slow?

Not one of us really knows,

We just continue with the flow


I dream of the day, they set us free

Finally able to live the way, we want to be

Just me and you for eternity

A life with you, sounds heavenly to me


When will we gain control?

Stop plodding on so slow?

Not one of us really knows,

We just continue with the flow


Each time we change the plan

We drift further from our promised land

How can we expect things to change,

When we contiinue on the same way?


When will we gain control?

I'm tired of thiis uphill battle, so slow

I just want to, at your side, grow

Instead I'm here, eating dirt, like a mole.


Please let our truth set us free

I can't keep living life, this aimlessly

It's slowly but surely, killing me

Like pollution does, to our bees


Breathing doesnt come, that easy anymore

It feels like theres a constant frog in my throat

We're stuck in our seperate castles, surrounded by a moat

Unable to free ourselves, being one anothers life-boats


When will we gain control?

Stop plodding on so slow?

Not one of us really knows,

We just continue with the flow... no more


This life is ours for the taking

Becoming what we make it

So why don't we be one again,

Finally end our one and only pain?

And be together forever, never wanting more change

Because our worlds entwined, is what will save...


We're ruunning through our lives

Our hearts struggling with our compromise

So let's let go of this tonight

This facade we've held, way too high

Let me return home, to you, this night



hurtlimbolong distancelong distance lovelovelove poemslove poetrypainromanceromantic poetrysad love poetrytrappedunconditional love

◄ Poisoning our Children

The Mother To All ►


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HayzTee (Hayley)

Mon 14th Sep 2020 14:07

thank yoou all!

it really has been a while since i check my WOL account so my apologies for late replies...

thank you all for your lovely feedback, as always its a pleasure to hear your opinions ?


Sat 25th Jan 2020 03:36

Tonight is the night when two become one......hehehe
Party tonight, Saturday night.....?
Beautifully expressed!!

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Don Matthews

Fri 24th Jan 2020 22:07

Yes, I do remember you Hayley.....

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Fri 24th Jan 2020 17:50

A passionate poetic plea,well done.Get well soon.

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HayzTee (Hayley)

Fri 24th Jan 2020 17:44

Thankyou! Sorry for the late response I've been rather unwell with chronic pain the past year :/

Hoping to be back being creative!

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Mon 13th May 2019 16:06

"We're ruunning through our lives

Our hearts struggling with our compromise"

Love it! Hopefully this means the writers block is gone! Looking forward to more.

- Nick

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