The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Weight of Negativity

The Weight of Negativity unveils the profound psychological truths behind humanity's bias towards negative experiences, thoughts, and impressions. Rooted in evolutionary survival mechanisms, this piece hopefully explores how our minds magnify fears, criticism, and catastrophes while overshadowing acts of kindness, peace, and progress. By dissecting the "negativity effect," the work tries to offer ...

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psychologynegativitybiasevolutionmediasurvivalhumanityperceptionawarenessemotional healthbehavioral science

9 am.

My eyes are shut

my brains going wild

That feeling in my gut

Makes me want to be a child


I think back to yesterday

It was the very same 

I wish it would go away 

In the end I’m all to blame


My heart beats too fast

As the clock turns nine 

I’m giving today a pass

But I’ll be out of line 


Where’s the fresh start 

The one I dream about 

Even th...

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mental healthsurvivaluniversity

Duality at Play (inner monologue of a childhood sexual abuse survivor

(Waring! Excessive use of expletives)


Hindsight illuminates the plight

Retrospect brings dark to light

Always a little too late

Try as I might


Do I stand up and fight

Or is this a time for flight

I can never seem to tell

Never get it right


Maybe genetically,  I am a mix of ostrich and possum

Freeze and play dead

Or, in the ground with my head



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ResilienceretrospectionSexual abusesurvival

Karma the Uninspired Bitch

Everyone's asleep

Silently I weep

Misery boiling 

Anger steep 

What one sows 

Isn't that what they're supposed to reap? 


Why do I remain good

Continue to be kind

Try ever so hard to preserve my mind

Karma seems to lack purpose

Or simply ignores the concept of time.


Doesn't my pain matter

My life unrecognizable and tattered

Am I that good at pretendi...

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Angerdespairfrustrationlifemental healthsurvival

My Mum's Lover

A house,

a staircase

it was an accident

you hit me

with your words

it's my home I say

but you don’t care

you have come in


soon you will leave

but not me, her

I find my bedroom

solace and silence

the smallness of me

you have come again

I do not want you

you are not mine, hers

you smother me,

press me into bedsheets

you smell of bull swe...

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childhood traumaabusesurvivalhopelessness

Earth's sword

Earth is a curious place.  Sunrise evokes awe

in those who watch a day’s waking hour.  To survive

that day, or consecutive days, we’re totally

reliant upon our ingenuity and

the society we’ve built.  Were it not for our

technology, logistics and planning, many

of us would not be here.  Earth’s beauty hides this harsh,

double edged sword.  Something so beautiful can be


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survivalhuman survivalenvironment

A letter to my Demon

For a long time after,

I didn't think I would ever find the words to describe what you took from me or what you did,

It became my biggest shame,

 Like every thrust you took added a 20 pound weight that I had to carry around with me after. I kept it hidden from everyone;

I worked so hard to keep it a secret because you made me feel like I deserved it.

I felt like you'd taken my fire,


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An Introduction, a glance into my soul

I am a ShaakieraS, A mature, respectable and sophisticated woman, with a massive vocabulary and a passion for words, which borders on obsession. Strangely quiet and reserved , an introverted extrovert yet can be surprisingly witty, accommodating and very outgoing depending on the situation and of course the company. Highly intelligent and sharp-minded choosing to express myself largely through the...

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I stand on the edge of a cliff,

High above the water that assaults the rocks below.

I overlook the stormy sea.

Lightning cracks across the sky,

A horrendous sound.

Neptune huffs, he puffs,

He tries to knock me down,

He hopes to cause me to slip on the damp ground.

I hear it coming for me.

Its roar could intimidate a lion.

I see it coming for me,

A blue wave as high...

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If we could look at the earth in a few thousand years from now,

we would see a nightmare vision. A planet ravaged by massive ice flows,

poisonous radiation storms and acidic oceans.

A naive mankind has done this. Now man has gone underground, far below

the poison and the cold.

It will be ten thousand years before he ventures forth again. Now he lives in

huge ...

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natural disastersworld changestotal devastationlife undergroundsurvival

Hex contains swearing


This genie spell hex you put on me will kill me.

I want to die.

I'm sick of the anxiety and shit you cause me, in my head all the time.

Why did you magically bind me to you?

We belong together? Horse shit!

You belong in the bottom block.

You're nuts and drive me insane.

I must end my life and get away from you. Permanently.

I borrowed my mate's pistol. He's a dealer...

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revengespellbeen hexedsurvivalpeopledangerous woman

Broken Alone

The trees, so hidden well by thickened wood,
While senses hide behind the deep despair,
He, ridiculed by those that can’t but should
And persecuted by those that once did care.

As fingers point and clone the loaded gun;
They choose a victim crying on his knees,
To watch him beg for solitude, in one
And disregard his perennial pleas.

The rights and wrongs of progress bliste...

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Team GUM at Riff Awards/Riff News

Team GUM are taking on the Riff Awards.

Step 1.

Like the Riff page here:

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Put forward Kris Fogg for BEST NEWCOMER.

Put forward Ushiku Crisafulli for BEST NON MUSICAL ENTERTAINER.

You'll see us both repping Riff at RIFF SURVIVAL SUNDAY - MARCH 31st


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RiffRiff AwardsRiff Survival SundaySurvivalSundayRockMusicComedySpoken WordHip HopCountryVarietyAwardsIndependent MusicIndependentLocal ArtistsLocalArtistsMusiciansKris FoggKrisFoggUshikuUshiku CrisafulliThe Five Faces of Fulli

Gotta Keep On


Gotta keep on moving,
keep on travelling...
keep one foot ahead of the other
like a race that has no winner.

Then I shall outrun my tears and leave all my fears

the wind before me, then behind me.
Ridding me of moistness, passed my ears.
Gotta get going, to keep from falling....
keep this foot in front, then the next.



Please make you...

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tearsfearsmoving ongetting onforwardaheadsurvivalheading on

Convenient Amnesia

Many times 'convenient amnesia' is all we have to survive and live another day.



My heart bleeds
both fears and gladness
splattered tears
share pavement
spent poison darts.

My hand quakes
both words and gestures
symphonic songbirds
salve torment
spared iron brand.

My eye shuts
both dark and brightness
smothered landscapes
sparse wildernesses

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Oracle of the Drought



fall into pools of swirling merriment
shirk substitutes that others recommend
firm in the knowledge of purest joy
your visage clear in mind, no mental toy

stab with wanton thrusts this warm caress
reveal dream's scorn amid phobic duress
with fiery brand your chariot swift - protect
lunar spheres in shaded ponds - thoughts collect

tinge red this broken tun...

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Negotiated Leave






Be numb to me
get off your knee
cease from demeaning
my esteem for you
with your lucid hate

the hourglass leaks

coloured sand pours
rainbow streaked tears
where the rains bleached
this sunburnt heart
with the acid of your disdain

these wearied hands

no longer reach for yours
your reflection is marred
and the mirror put awa...

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